は、 "単語を変更"していないので、"次の単語に変更"です。
を使用して、 "シングルクォートの間で変更する"ことができます。最初の単一引用符にカーソルで
wciw move to next word then change inner word
wcw move to next word then change to next word
wct' move to next word then change until next single quote
wce move to next word then change to end of the word
lciw move to next character then change inner word
lcw move to next character then change to next word
lct' move to next character then change until next single quote
lce move to next word then change to end of the word
<Right>ciw move to next character then change inner word
<Right>cw move to next character then change to next word
<Right>ct' move to next character then change until next single quote
<Right>ce move to next word then change to end of the word
は:help navigation
修正と 'ci''コマンドのおかげで、これはまさに私が探していたものです! – supersan