2017-01-20 16 views




これは、色を制御するコードの一部です。グラデーションを追加するにはどうすればいいですか? divI'veの色を変更する

 var colorThemes = [ 
     function() { 
      //return color(200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0); 
      return color(218,165,32); 
     }, function() { 
      var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(200, black, black); 
     }, function() { 
      var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, 200, black); 
     }, function() { 
      var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, black, 200); 
     }, function() { 
      return color(200, 100, 200 * random()|0); 
     }, function() { 
      return color(200 * random()|0, 200, 200); 
     }, function() { 
      var black = 256 * random()|0; return color(black, black, black); 
     }, function() { 
      return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 1 : 2](); 
     }, function() { 
      return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 3 : 5](); 
     }, function() { 
      return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 2 : 4](); 

     function color(r, g, b) { 
     return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')'; 

'use strict'; 

// If set to true, the user must press 
// to trigger the confetti with a random color theme. 
// Otherwise the confetti constantly falls. 
var onlyOnKonami = false; 

$(function() { 
    // Globals 
    var $window = $(window) 
    , random = Math.random 
    , cos = Math.cos 
    , sin = Math.sin 
    , PI = Math.PI 
    , PI2 = PI * 2 
    , timer = undefined 
    , frame = undefined 
    , confetti = []; 

    // Settings 
    var konami = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65] 
    , pointer = 0; 

    var particles = 150 
    , spread = 10 
    , sizeMin = 3 
    , sizeMax = 40 - sizeMin 
    , eccentricity = 10 
    , deviation = 100 
    , dxThetaMin = -.1 
    , dxThetaMax = -dxThetaMin - dxThetaMin 
    , dyMin = .13 
    , dyMax = .18 
    , dThetaMin = .4 
    , dThetaMax = .7 - dThetaMin; 

    var colorThemes = [ 
    function() { 
     //return color(200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0); 
     return color(218,165,32); 
    }, function() { 
     var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(200, black, black); 
    }, function() { 
     var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, 200, black); 
    }, function() { 
     var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, black, 200); 
    }, function() { 
     return color(200, 100, 200 * random()|0); 
    }, function() { 
     return color(200 * random()|0, 200, 200); 
    }, function() { 
     var black = 256 * random()|0; return color(black, black, black); 
    }, function() { 
     return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 1 : 2](); 
    }, function() { 
     return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 3 : 5](); 
    }, function() { 
     return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 2 : 4](); 
    function color(r, g, b) { 
    return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')'; 

    // Cosine interpolation 
    function interpolation(a, b, t) { 
    return (1-cos(PI*t))/2 * (b-a) + a; 

    // Create a 1D Maximal Poisson Disc over [0, 1] 
    var radius = 1/eccentricity, radius2 = radius+radius; 
    function createPoisson() { 
    // domain is the set of points which are still available to pick from 
    // D = union{ [d_i, d_i+1] | i is even } 
    var domain = [radius, 1-radius], measure = 1-radius2, spline = [0, 1]; 
    while (measure) { 
     var dart = measure * random(), i, l, interval, a, b, c, d; 

     // Find where dart lies 
     for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2) { 
     a = domain[i], b = domain[i+1], interval = b-a; 
     if (dart < measure+interval) { 
      spline.push(dart += a-measure); 
     measure += interval; 
     c = dart-radius, d = dart+radius; 

     // Update the domain 
     for (i = domain.length-1; i > 0; i -= 2) { 
     l = i-1, a = domain[l], b = domain[i]; 
     // c---d   c---d Do nothing 
     // c-----d c-----d Move interior 
     // c--------------d Delete interval 
     //   c--d   Split interval 
     //  a------b 
     if (a >= c && a < d) 
      if (b > d) domain[l] = d; // Move interior (Left case) 
      else domain.splice(l, 2); // Delete interval 
     else if (a < c && b > c) 
      if (b <= d) domain[i] = c; // Move interior (Right case) 
      else domain.splice(i, 0, c, d); // Split interval 

     // Re-measure the domain 
     for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2) 
     measure += domain[i+1]-domain[i]; 

    return spline.sort(); 

    // Create the overarching container 
    var container = document.createElement('div'); 
    container.style.position = 'fixed'; 
    container.style.top  = '0'; 
    container.style.left  = '0'; 
    container.style.width = '100%'; 
    container.style.height = '0'; 
    container.style.overflow = 'visible'; 
    container.style.zIndex = '9999'; 

    // Confetto constructor 
    function Confetto(theme) { 
    this.frame = 0; 
    this.outer = document.createElement('div'); 
    this.inner = document.createElement('div'); 

    var outerStyle = this.outer.style, innerStyle = this.inner.style; 
    outerStyle.position = 'absolute'; 
    outerStyle.width = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px'; 
    outerStyle.height = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px'; 
    innerStyle.width = '100%'; 
    innerStyle.height = '100%'; 
    innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme(); 

    outerStyle.perspective = '100px'; 
    outerStyle.transform = 'rotate(' + (360 * random()) + 'deg)'; 
    this.axis = 'rotate3D(' + 
     cos(360 * random()) + ',' + 
     cos(360 * random()) + ',0,'; 
    this.theta = 360 * random(); 
    this.dTheta = dThetaMin + dThetaMax * random(); 
    innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)'; 

    this.x = $window.width() * random(); 
    this.y = -deviation; 
    this.dx = sin(dxThetaMin + dxThetaMax * random()); 
    this.dy = dyMin + dyMax * random(); 
    outerStyle.left = this.x + 'px'; 
    outerStyle.top = this.y + 'px'; 

    // Create the periodic spline 
    this.splineX = createPoisson(); 
    this.splineY = []; 
    for (var i = 1, l = this.splineX.length-1; i < l; ++i) 
     this.splineY[i] = deviation * random(); 
    this.splineY[0] = this.splineY[l] = deviation * random(); 

    this.update = function(height, delta) { 
     this.frame += delta; 
     this.x += this.dx * delta; 
     this.y += this.dy * delta; 
     this.theta += this.dTheta * delta; 

     // Compute spline and convert to polar 
     var phi = this.frame % 7777/7777, i = 0, j = 1; 
     while (phi >= this.splineX[j]) i = j++; 
     var rho = interpolation(
     phi *= PI2; 

     outerStyle.left = this.x + rho * cos(phi) + 'px'; 
     outerStyle.top = this.y + rho * sin(phi) + 'px'; 
     innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)'; 
     return this.y > height+deviation; 

    function poof() { 
    if (!frame) { 
     // Append the container 

     // Add confetti 
     var theme = colorThemes[onlyOnKonami ? colorThemes.length * random()|0 : 0] 
     , count = 0; 
     (function addConfetto() { 
     if (onlyOnKonami && ++count > particles) 
      return timer = undefined; 

     var confetto = new Confetto(theme); 
     timer = setTimeout(addConfetto, spread * random()); 

     // Start the loop 
     var prev = undefined; 
     requestAnimationFrame(function loop(timestamp) { 
     var delta = prev ? timestamp - prev : 0; 
     prev = timestamp; 
     var height = $window.height(); 

     for (var i = confetti.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { 
      if (confetti[i].update(height, delta)) { 
      confetti.splice(i, 1); 

     if (timer || confetti.length) 
      return frame = requestAnimationFrame(loop); 

     // Cleanup 
     frame = undefined; 

    $window.keydown(function(event) { 
    pointer = konami[pointer] === event.which 
     ? pointer+1 
     : +(event.which === konami[0]); 
    if (pointer === konami.length) { 
     pointer = 0; 
    if (!onlyOnKonami) poof(); 
html { 
    height: 100%; 
body { 
    background: #d09d42; 
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #efc466, #d09d42); 
    height: 100%; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


非常に興味深い質問をチェックアウトこのhttp://codepen.io/vignesh200/pen/MJpQpr/ –



innerStyle.backgroundColor =テーマ(後に次のJavaScriptを追加しました)

function Confetto(){ 

    innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme() 
    innerStyle.background = "linear-gradient(to right, " + theme() + " , yellow)"; 
    innerStyle.border = "thick solid #FFFB00"; 
    innerStyle.borderWidth = "thin"; 
    //Rest of the code 


// JavaScript source code 
'use strict'; 

// If set to true, the user must press 
// to trigger the confetti with a random color theme. 
// Otherwise the confetti constantly falls. 
var onlyOnKonami = false; 

$(function() { 
    // Globals 
    var $window = $(window), 
     random = Math.random, 
     cos = Math.cos, 
     sin = Math.sin, 
     PI = Math.PI, 
     PI2 = PI * 2, 
     timer = undefined, 
     frame = undefined, 
     confetti = []; 

    // Settings 
    var konami = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65], 
    //var konami = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 
     pointer = 0; 

    var particles = 10, 
     spread = 10, 
     sizeMin = 3, 
     sizeMax = 40 - sizeMin, 
     eccentricity = 10, 
     deviation = 100, 
     dxThetaMin = -.1, 
     dxThetaMax = -dxThetaMin - dxThetaMin, 
     dyMin = .13, 
     dyMax = .18, 
     dThetaMin = .4, 
     dThetaMax = .7 - dThetaMin; 

    var colorThemes = [ 
     function() { 
      //return color(200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0); 
      return color(218, 165, 32); 
     function() { 
      var black = 200 * random() | 0; 
      return color(200, black, black); 
     function() { 
      var black = 200 * random() | 0; 
      return color(black, 200, black); 
     function() { 
      var black = 200 * random() | 0; 
      return color(black, black, 200); 
     function() { 
      return color(200, 100, 200 * random() | 0); 
     function() { 
      return color(200 * random() | 0, 200, 200); 
     function() { 
      var black = 256 * random() | 0; 
      return color(black, black, black); 
     function() { 
      return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 1 : 2](); 
     function() { 
      return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 3 : 5](); 
     function() { 
      return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 2 : 4](); 

    function color(r, g, b) { 
     return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')'; 

    // Cosine interpolation 
    function interpolation(a, b, t) { 
     return (1 - cos(PI * t))/2 * (b - a) + a; 

    // Create a 1D Maximal Poisson Disc over [0, 1] 
    var radius = 1/eccentricity, 
     radius2 = radius + radius; 

    function createPoisson() { 
     // domain is the set of points which are still available to pick from 
     // D = union{ [d_i, d_i+1] | i is even } 
     var domain = [radius, 1 - radius], 
      measure = 1 - radius2, 
      spline = [0, 1]; 
     while (measure) { 
      var dart = measure * random(), 
       i, l, interval, a, b, c, d; 

      // Find where dart lies 
      for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2) { 
       a = domain[i], b = domain[i + 1], interval = b - a; 
       if (dart < measure + interval) { 
        spline.push(dart += a - measure); 
       measure += interval; 
      c = dart - radius, d = dart + radius; 

      // Update the domain 
      for (i = domain.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 2) { 
       l = i - 1, a = domain[l], b = domain[i]; 
       // c---d   c---d Do nothing 
       // c-----d c-----d Move interior 
       // c--------------d Delete interval 
       //   c--d   Split interval 
       //  a------b 
       if (a >= c && a < d) 
        if (b > d) domain[l] = d; // Move interior (Left case) 
        else domain.splice(l, 2); // Delete interval 
       else if (a < c && b > c) 
        if (b <= d) domain[i] = c; // Move interior (Right case) 
        else domain.splice(i, 0, c, d); // Split interval 

      // Re-measure the domain 
      for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2) 
       measure += domain[i + 1] - domain[i]; 

     return spline.sort(); 

    // Create the overarching container 
    var container = document.createElement('div'); 
    container.style.position = 'fixed'; 
    container.style.top = '0'; 
    container.style.left = '0'; 
    container.style.width = '100%'; 
    container.style.height = '0'; 
    container.style.overflow = 'visible'; 
    container.style.zIndex = '9999'; 

    // Confetto constructor 
    function Confetto(theme) { 
     this.frame = 0; 
     this.outer = document.createElement('div'); 
     this.inner = document.createElement('div'); 

     var outerStyle = this.outer.style, 
      innerStyle = this.inner.style; 
     outerStyle.position = 'absolute'; 
     outerStyle.width = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px'; 
     outerStyle.height = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px'; 
     innerStyle.width = '100%'; 
     innerStyle.height = '100%'; 
     var f = theme(); 
     innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme(); 
     innerStyle.background = "linear-gradient(to right, " + theme() + " , yellow)"; 
     innerStyle.border = "thick solid #FFFB00"; 
     innerStyle.borderWidth = "thin"; 
     outerStyle.perspective = '100px'; 
     outerStyle.transform = 'rotate(' + (360 * random()) + 'deg)'; 
     this.axis = 'rotate3D(' + 
      cos(360 * random()) + ',' + 
      cos(360 * random()) + ',0,'; 
     this.theta = 360 * random(); 
     this.dTheta = dThetaMin + dThetaMax * random(); 
     innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)'; 

     this.x = $window.width() * random(); 
     this.y = -deviation; 
     this.dx = sin(dxThetaMin + dxThetaMax * random()); 
     this.dy = dyMin + dyMax * random(); 
     outerStyle.left = this.x + 'px'; 
     outerStyle.top = this.y + 'px'; 

     // Create the periodic spline 
     this.splineX = createPoisson(); 
     this.splineY = []; 
     for (var i = 1, l = this.splineX.length - 1; i < l; ++i) 
      this.splineY[i] = deviation * random(); 
     this.splineY[0] = this.splineY[l] = deviation * random(); 

     this.update = function (height, delta) { 
      this.frame += delta; 
      this.x += this.dx * delta; 
      this.y += this.dy * delta; 
      this.theta += this.dTheta * delta; 

      // Compute spline and convert to polar 
      var phi = this.frame % 7777/7777, 
       i = 0, 
       j = 1; 
      while (phi >= this.splineX[j]) i = j++; 
      var rho = interpolation(
       (phi - this.splineX[i])/(this.splineX[j] - this.splineX[i]) 
      phi *= PI2; 

      outerStyle.left = this.x + rho * cos(phi) + 'px'; 
      outerStyle.top = this.y + rho * sin(phi) + 'px'; 
      innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)'; 
      return this.y > height + deviation; 

    function poof() { 
     if (!frame) { 
      // Append the container 

      // Add confetti 
      var theme = colorThemes[onlyOnKonami ? colorThemes.length * random() | 0 : 0], 
       count = 0; 
      (function addConfetto() { 
       if (onlyOnKonami && ++count > particles) 
        return timer = undefined; 

       var confetto = new Confetto(theme); 
       timer = setTimeout(addConfetto, spread * random()); 

      // Start the loop 
      var prev = undefined; 
      requestAnimationFrame(function loop(timestamp) { 
       var delta = prev ? timestamp - prev : 0; 
       prev = timestamp; 
       var height = $window.height(); 

       for (var i = confetti.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { 
        if (confetti[i].update(height, delta)) { 
         confetti.splice(i, 1); 

       if (timer || confetti.length) 
        return frame = requestAnimationFrame(loop); 

       // Cleanup 
       frame = undefined; 

    $window.keydown(function (event) { 
     pointer = konami[pointer] === event.which ? 
      pointer + 1 : 
      +(event.which === konami[0]); 
     if (pointer === konami.length) { 
      pointer = 0; 

    if (!onlyOnKonami) poof(); 
html { 
    height: 100%; 
body { 
    background: #d09d42; 
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #efc466, #d09d42); 
    height: 100%; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
