2016-08-25 12 views

マーカーを更新するにはこのコードを使用していますが、うまくいきますが、リフレッシュするたびにGoogle Maps APIが呼び出され、一度呼び出してマーカーを更新できます。私はそこにガイドがあることを知っていると非常にJavaScriptに新しい、私は試みたが、どれも動作しません。誰でもこれを助けることができますか?Google Mapsは常にAPIを呼び出しています

var pokemon_name = ""; 
var pokemon_array = []; 
var infoWindowContent = []; 
var markers = []; 
var pokeImage = []; 
var markers_data = []; 
var infos_data = []; 
var icon_data = ""; 

jQuery(function($) { 
    // Asynchronously Load the map API 
    var script = document.createElement('script'); 
    script.src = "//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=KEYHERE&callback=callAPI"; 

function callAPI() { 

       type: 'POST', 
       url: 'getpoke.php', 
       dataType: 'json', 
       data: $("#refresh_form").serialize(), 
       cache: false, 
       contentType: false, 
       processData: false, 
       success:function(data) { 

    bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 
    mapOptions = { 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap' 

    // Display a map on the page 
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions); 


setInterval(function(){callAPI();}, 10000); 

function deleteMarkers() { 
     markers = []; 
     infoWindowContent = []; 
     pokeImage = [] 

function initialize(data) { 


    var pokedata = $.parseJSON(data); 

      url : "pokemonlist.txt", 
      dataType: "text", 
      success : function (data) { 
     var lines = data.split('\n'); 

     for(var i=0;i<lines.length;i++) { 
      var arr = lines[i].split('"'); 

      pokemon_id = arr[1]; 
      pokemon_img = arr[3]; 
      pokemon_name = arr[4]; 
      pokemon_id = pokemon_id.trim(); 
      pokemon_img = pokemon_img.trim(); 
      pokemon_name = pokemon_name.trim(); 

      pokemon_array.push([ pokemon_id, pokemon_img, pokemon_name ]); 

    for (var i = 0; i < pokedata['data'].length; i++) { 
    for (var x = 0; x < pokemon_array.length; x++) { 

    if (pokemon_array[x][0] == pokedata['data'][i]['pokemonId']) { 
     pokemon_name = pokemon_array[x][2]; 

    pokemon_up = pokedata['data'][i]['upvotes']; 
    pokemon_down = pokedata['data'][i]['downvotes']; 
    pokemon_lat = pokedata['data'][i]['latitude']; 
    pokemon_long = pokedata['data'][i]['longitude']; 

    if (pokemon_down >= pokemon_up) { 

    else { 
    //markers_data.push([pokemon_id, pokemon_img, pokemon_name ]); 
    markers.push([pokemon_name, pokemon_lat, pokemon_long ]); 

    // Info Window Content 

    var nowTime = Date.now(); 

    for (var i = 0; i < pokedata['data'].length; i++) { 
    for (var x = 0; x < pokemon_array.length; x++) { 
    if (pokemon_array[x][0] == pokedata['data'][i]['pokemonId']) { 
     pokemon_name = pokemon_array[x][2]; 

    pokemon_up = pokedata['data'][i]['upvotes']; 
    pokemon_down = pokedata['data'][i]['downvotes']; 
    pokemon_created = 1e3 * pokedata['data'][i]['created'], 
    p = pokemon_created + 900000 - nowTime; 

    hour_data = parseInt(p/6e4 % 60), 
    sec_data = parseInt(p/1e3 % 60); 

    if (hour_data.toString().length == 1) { 
      hour_data = "0" + hour_data; 

    if (sec_data.toString().length == 1) { 
      sec_data = "0" + sec_data; 

    pokemon_trainer_name = pokedata['data'][i]['trainerName']; 

    pokemon_time_expire = hour_data + ":" + sec_data; 

    text_write = "<h3>"+pokemon_name+"</h3><br>Source:"+pokemon_trainer_name+" <br><br>Time expire: <span id='expire_"+i+"'>"+pokemon_time_expire+"</span>"; 

    if (pokemon_down >= pokemon_up) { 

    else { 
    text_write = ""; 

    var pokeImage = []; 

    for (var i = 0; i < pokedata['data'].length; i++) { 
    for (var x = 0; x < pokemon_array.length; x++) { 
    if (pokemon_array[x][0] == pokedata['data'][i]['pokemonId']) { 
     pokemon_img = pokemon_array[x][1]; 

    pokemon_up = pokedata['data'][i]['upvotes']; 
    pokemon_down = pokedata['data'][i]['downvotes']; 

    if (pokemon_down >= pokemon_up) { 

    else { 

    // Display multiple markers on a map 
    var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(), marker, i; 

    // Loop through our array of markers & place each one on the map 
    for(i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { 
     position = new google.maps.LatLng(markers[i][1], markers[i][2]); 
     marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
      position: position, 
      map: map, 
      title: markers[i][0], 
      icon: pokeImage[i][0] 

     // Allow each marker to have an info window  
     google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) { 
      return function() { 
       infoWindow.open(map, marker); 
     })(marker, i)); 

     // Automatically center the map fitting all markers on the screen 

    // Override our map zoom level once our fitBounds function runs (Make sure it only runs once) 
    var boundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener((map), 'bounds_changed', function(event) { 



あなたの問題を示す[mcve]を入力してください – geocodezip




最初:var boundsは関数の内部にある必要があります。

これを試してみてください。 callAPI()を私の関数で置き換えてください。あなたのコードがエラーを起こさなかったかどうかは、あなたの質問を修正するはずです。

var firstTimeLoaded = false; 
// load the markers (from server) 
function callAPI() { 
    type: 'POST', 
    url: 'getpoke.php', 
    dataType: 'json', 
    data: $("#refresh_form").serialize(), 
    cache: false, 
    contentType: false, 
    processData: false, 
    success:function(data) { 
     // Display a map on the page. Obviously this needs to be done only once. 
     if(firstTimeLoaded == false) { 
     firstTimeLoaded = true; 
     mapOptions = { 
      mapTypeId: 'roadmap' 
     map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions); 
// this means the function callAPI() will be called, every 10 seconds. 
setInterval(function(){callAPI();}, 10000); 


function initialize(data) { 
    bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 

すごくおかげで、お粗末なコードを申し訳ありません!すべての実際に間違っていたのは、可変境界のためですか? – MuthaFury


まあ、あなたのコードはbounds.extend(position)で止まります。 Javascriptのスコープ内にvarの境界がありません(変数は同じ関数内で宣言されていません)。ので、javascriptは関数の残りの部分の実行を停止します。 –




私は同意します。私は、実際には少し違って解決することを選択しました。主に必要に応じて少しずつ変更しました –
