def intro():
"""This is the function that starts the program"""
msg = input("Enter the message you wish to encrypt: ") # This ask the user to input a message to encrypt
return msg
def shift(msg):
"""This function is the meat of the program. Shifting the message"""
alpha = ['a', 'b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'] # Letters that the user can input
rotate = int(input("The level of the encryption?: ")) #Tells how to shift letters, if message is "a" and inputs level 2, it becomes "c"
text = "" #puts the tex between quotes
for ch in msg:
if ch == " " or ch == ".":
pass #If user inputs a blank or period it wont casue an error
index = alpha.index(ch) # index becomes message and the ASCII
newindex = (index + rotate) % len(alpha) #ASCII will shift by the rotate value and becomes newindex
new= alpha[newindex]#new message becomes new
text += new #the encrypted message is now text
return text
def start():
"""Fuction that puts everything together and starts the program"""
while True:
msg = intro()
if msg == '999':
print("Farewell. We will see each other again soon, I guarantee it")
break # If the user inputs "999" the program will end
deep web shift(msg)
print("Your encryptions is: " + text)#Output of the program
print("Hello there. Welcome to my deep web encryption services, Please press '999' if you wish to leave")#Tells the user what to do
print("Encryption level can be any numeric value")
これは私の他の質問です。私は小文字と大文字のasciiが異なることを知っています。大文字をシフトする方法はありますか? 「Jgnnq」を作成するために「Hello」シフトを2つ作成します。また、ユーザーが無効なものを入力すると、それを保持します。 "hell @"が2だけシフトする例は、 "jgnn @"になります。
あなたでしたupvoteしないかを印刷したり、あなたの前の質問への答えを受け付けます - これはhttps://stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers見るには –
この問題は、に最適と思われます['str.maketrans'](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.maketrans)と' str.translate' –