2017-02-14 19 views

現在、私はカラム間の比較を行っているPandas Dataframeを持っています。比較が行われているときに空の列がある場合が見つかりました。何らかの理由で比較すると、以外の値が返されます。私は空にそれをきれいにするために余分な声明を追加しました。私がこれを簡略化し、単一のステートメントを持つことができるかどうかを調べる。あなたが列(複数可)とboolean indexingによる選択のためにも、代わりにapplynumpy.whereを使用することができますパンダの改善

df['doc_type'].loc[(df['a_id'].isnull() & df['b_id'].isnull())] = '' 


df = pd.DataFrame({ 
     'a_id': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', '', 'F', ''], 
     'a_score': [1, 2, 3, 4, '', 6, ''], 
     'b_id': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', ''], 
     'b_score': [0.1, 0.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5, 5.99, ''], 

    print df 
    # Replace empty string with NaN 
    df = df.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x).replace('', np.nan) 

    # Calculate higher score 
    df['doc_id'] = df.apply(lambda df: df['a_id'] if df['a_score'] >= df['b_score'] else df['b_id'], axis=1) 

    # Select type based on higher score 
    df['doc_type'] = df.apply(lambda df: 'a' if df['a_score'] >= df['b_score'] else 'b', axis=1) 
    print df 
    # Update type when is empty   
    df['doc_type'].loc[(df['a_id'].isnull() & df['b_id'].isnull())] = '' 
    print df 




df.loc[mask, 'colname'] = val 

# Replace empty string with NaN 
df = df.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x).replace('', np.nan) 

# Calculate higher score 
df['doc_id'] = np.where(df['a_score'] >= df['b_score'], df['a_id'], df['b_id']) 
# Select type based on higher score 
df['doc_type'] = np.where(df['a_score'] >= df['b_score'], 'a', 'b') 
print (df) 
# Update type when is empty   
df.loc[(df['a_id'].isnull() & df['b_id'].isnull()), 'doc_type'] = '' 
print (df) 
    a_id a_score b_id b_score doc_id doc_type 
0 A  1.0 a  0.10  A  a 
1 B  2.0 b  0.20  B  a 
2 C  3.0 c  3.10  c  b 
3 D  4.0 d  4.10  d  b 
4 NaN  NaN e  5.00  e  b 
5 F  6.0 f  5.99  F  a 
6 NaN  NaN NaN  NaN NaN 
チェックの DataFrame.allmask

代替すべての行のTrue場合 - axis=1

print (df[['a_id', 'b_id']].isnull()) 
    a_id b_id 
0 False False 
1 False False 
2 False False 
3 False False 
4 True False 
5 False False 
6 True True 

print (df[['a_id', 'b_id']].isnull().all(axis=1)) 
0 False 
1 False 
2 False 
3 False 
4 False 
5 False 
6  True 
dtype: bool 

df.loc[df[['a_id', 'b_id']].isnull().all(axis=1), 'doc_type'] = '' 
print (df) 
    a_id a_score b_id b_score doc_id doc_type 
0 A  1.0 a  0.10  A  a 
1 B  2.0 b  0.20  B  a 
2 C  3.0 c  3.10  c  b 
3 D  4.0 d  4.10  d  b 
4 NaN  NaN e  5.00  e  b 
5 F  6.0 f  5.99  F  a 
6 NaN  NaN NaN  NaN NaN   


# Replace empty string with NaN 
df = df.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x).replace('', np.nan) 

#create masks to series - not compare twice 
mask = df['a_score'] >= df['b_score'] 
mask1 = (df['a_id'].isnull() & df['b_id'].isnull()) 
#altrnative solution for mask1 
#mask1 = df[['a_id', 'b_id']].isnull().all(axis=1) 
# Calculate higher score 
df['doc_id'] = np.where(mask, df['a_id'], df['b_id']) 
# Select type based on higher score 
df['doc_type'] = np.where(mask, 'a', np.where(mask1, '', 'b')) 
print (df) 
    a_id a_score b_id b_score doc_id doc_type 
0 A  1.0 a  0.10  A  a 
1 B  2.0 b  0.20  B  a 
2 C  3.0 c  3.10  c  b 
3 D  4.0 d  4.10  d  b 
4 NaN  NaN e  5.00  e  b 
5 F  6.0 f  5.99  F  a 
6 NaN  NaN NaN  NaN NaN