
2011-08-15 4 views


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        <div style="height:03px;width:400px"> 
         <td style="width:50%;position:relative;top:10px;bottom:10px;padding-right:8px; padding-top:20px"> 
          <b>Key Numbers Report</b><br /> 
         <div style=" padding-top:6px;margin-top:07px;text-align:left">        
          Text about the information 
          displayed in this report and what 
          they can find out here. 
          Text about the information 
          displayed in this report and what 
          they can find out here. 
          Text about the information 
          displayed in this report and what 
          they can find out here. 
          <a style="float:left;color:#77F;font-size:18px;margin-top:10px" href="./?s=1">View Report</a> 

         <td style="padding-left:25px;position:relative;top:19px;left:10px;border-left:1px #AAA solid;height:10px; padding-top:18px;padding-right:8px"> 
          <b>Instructors Report</b><br /> 
          <div style ="padding-top:6px;margin-top:07px;text-align:left"> 
          Text about the information 
          displayed in this report and what 
          they can find out here. 
          Text about the information 
          displayed in this report and what 
          they can find out here. 
          Text about the information 
          displayed in this report and what 
          they can find out here 
          <a style="float:left;color:#77F;font-size:18px;margin-top:10px " href="./?s=2">View Report</a> 



国境の高さは、キーナンバーレポートやインストラクターのレポートタイトルポジションと同じ高さから始まります。 – user682417




      <tr style="padding-top:20px: height:18px"> 
      <div style="height:03px;width:400px; margin-top: 20px;"> 
       <td style="width:50%;position:relative;top:10px;bottom:10px;padding-right:8px; padding-top:0px;"> 
        <b>Key Numbers Report</b><br /> 
       <div style=" padding-top:6px;margin-top:07px;text-align:left">        
        Text about the information 
        displayed in this report and what 
        they can find out here. 
        Text about the information 
        displayed in this report and what 
        they can find out here. 
        Text about the information 
        displayed in this report and what 
        they can find out here. 
        <a style="float:left;color:#77F;font-size:18px;margin-top:10px" href="./?s=1">View Report</a> 

       <td style="padding-left:25px;position:relative;top:19px;left:10px;border-left:1px #AAA solid;height:10px; padding-top:0px;padding-right:8px"> 
        <b>Instructors Report</b><br /> 
        <div style ="padding-top:6px;margin-top:07px;text-align:left"> 
        Text about the information 
        displayed in this report and what 
        they can find out here. 
        Text about the information 
        displayed in this report and what 
        they can find out here. 
        Text about the information 
        displayed in this report and what 
        they can find out here 
        <a style="float:left;color:#77F;font-size:18px;margin-top:10px " href="./?s=2">View Report</a> 

私はあなたの<td> sからpadding-topを削除し、代わりにあなたの<div>margin-topを追加しました。私はあなたのHTMLコードが有効でないこと、しかし、あなたに伝える必要があり



あなたの提案には多くの感謝.. – user682417


