.data Welcome1:.asciiz "\n Hello! you are about to play the mastermind guessing and logic game,Bulls & Cows!\n The Computer will generate a secret numbermade of 4 unique integer number.You have to guess the number!\n Using the number of Bulls and Cows you get to find out what the secret number is!\n" Welcome2: .asciiz "\nEvery digit you enter that is both correct and in the right location is a BULL. When you get 4 BULLS, YOU WIN!\n\nEvery digit you enter that is correct, but not in the right location is a COW!\n" confirm: .asciiz "\n Select \nYES - if you are ready to guess \n NO - to see the rules again \n Cancel - to exit the Game\n" .text main:jal welcome welcome: la $a0,Welcome1 li $a1,1 li $v0, 55 syscall la,$a0,Welcome2 li $v0,55 syscall la $a0,confirm li $v0,50 syscall Exit: li $v0,10 syscall
こんにちは@ user3341473コードで発生している問題の詳細を教えてください。あなたはそれが何をすると思いますか、代わりに何が起こっていますか? – Blckknght
私は確認ダイアログを探しています。ここには、プログラムをさらに進めるための「はい」または「いいえ」のオプションがあります – user3341473