zingchart.exec('myChart', 'appendseriesvalues', {
plotindex : 0,
values : [[time,newValue-20]]
zingchart.exec('myChart', 'appendseriesvalues', {
plotindex : 1,
values : [[time,newValue+10]]
下記のthe siteのスクリプトソースを変更しました。どのように動作するかをご覧ください。
<script src="https://cdn.zingchart.com/zingchart.min.js"></script>
zingchart.MODULESDIR = "https://cdn.zingchart.com/modules/";
ZC.LICENSE = ["569d52cefae586f634c54f86dc99e6a9", "ee6b7db5b51705a13dc2339db3edaf6d"];
body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.zc-ref {
display: none;
<div id='myChart'><a class="zc-ref" href="https://www.zingchart.com/">Charts by ZingChart</a></div>
var myConfig = {
gui: {
contextMenu: {
position: 'right',
docked: true,
alpha: 0.9,
item: {
textAlpha: 1
button: {
visible: true
graphset: [{
type: 'line',
borderColor: "#cccccc",
borderWidth: 1,
borderRadius: 2,
plot: {
aspect: 'spline'
plotarea: {
margin: 'dynamic'
utc: true,
timezone: 9,
title: {
text: 'Uniform Step Time Series Line Chart',
adjustLayout: true,
align: 'left',
marginLeft: '15%'
legend: {
draggable: true,
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
header: {
text: "Facility N",
backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0'
marker: {
visible: false
//item: {
// margin: '5 17 2 0',
// padding: '3 3 3 3',
// fontColor: '#fff',
// cursor: 'hand'
verticalAlign: 'middle',
borderWidth: 0
scaleX: {
//minValue: 1484870400000, //set minValue timestamp
//minValue: 1512018819470,
//step: 'day', //set step for scale
step: '30minute',
//step: 'minute',
maxItems: 7,
itemsOverlap: true,
zooming: true,
transform: {
type: 'date',
all: "%d %M %Y<br>%g:%i:%s"
preview: {
adjustLayout: true,
live: true
scaleY: {
step: 50,
label: {
text: 'Sensor'
guide: {
lineStyle: 'solid'
crosshairX: {
lineColor: '#555',
plotLabel: {
backgroundColor: '#fff',
multiple: true,
borderWidth: 2,
borderRadius: 2,
marker: {
size: 5,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#fff'
tooltip: {
visible: false
series: [{
values: [],
text: 'Sensor FC-456',
legendItem: {
backgroundColor: '#29A2CC',
borderRadius: 2
}, {
values: [],
text: 'Sensor AB-265',
legendItem: {
backgroundColor: '#D31E1E',
borderRadius: 2
}, {
values: [],
text: 'Sensor DC-445',
legendItem: {
backgroundColor: '#7CA82B',
borderRadius: 2
}, {
values: [],
text: 'Sensor ER-985',
legendItem: {
backgroundColor: '#EF8535',
borderRadius: 2
id: 'myChart',
data: myConfig,
height: '100%',
width: '100%'
//Set up of a websocket
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://', 'zingchart');
//var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080/examples/websocket/chartProgrammatic');
//var ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
//Tell our internal server what to send.
ws.onopen = function(){
//Setup an event to call a ZingChart API Method to update our chart.
ws.onmessage = function (e) {
console.log("===== \n " + JSON.stringify(e.data));
console.log("===== \n ");
//var data = JSON.parse(e.data);
var data = JSON.parse(e.data);
var newValue = data['plot0'][1];
var time = data['plot0'][0];
//console.log("====> " + time);
//console.log("====> " + newValue);
zingchart.exec('myChart', 'appendseriesvalues', {
plotindex : 0,
values : [[time,newValue-20]]
zingchart.exec('myChart', 'appendseriesvalues', {
plotindex : 1,
values : [[time,newValue+10]]
zingchart.exec('myChart', 'appendseriesvalues', {
plotindex : 2,
values : [[time,newValue+150]]
zingchart.exec('myChart', 'appendseriesvalues', {
plotindex : 3,
values : [[time,newValue+200]]
ws.onclose = function(event) {
console.log('Client notified socket has closed',event);
