ファイアウォールユーザが/map.htmlページに誰かをリダイレクトする前にサインインされているかどうかをチェックして確認します。routeProviderの前にfirebase authをチェックする方法

.when('/map', { 
      templateUrl: 'views/map.html', 
      controller: 'MapCtrl', 
      resolve: { 
       loggedIn: onlyLoggedIn() 



var onlyLoggedIn = function ($location,$q,user) { 
    var deferred = $q.defer(); 
    console.log("well: "+user); 
    if (user) { 
     console.log("user is signed in "); 
    } else { 
    return deferred.promise; 




どのバージョンのFIrebase SDKを使用していますか? AngularFIreのどのバージョンを使用していますか?情報のおかげで – georgeawg



セキュリティをFirebaseのルールによって、ページが許可なく表示されないようにすることができます。ページをリダイレクトするには、クライアント側のソリューションが必要です。あなたはルートでやる。 これは完全なコードですAngular Firebase


angular.module('myApp.routes', ['ngRoute', 'simpleLogin']) 

    .constant('ROUTES', { 
    '/home': { 
     templateUrl: 'partials/home.html', 
     controller: 'HomeCtrl', 
     resolve: { 
     // forces the page to wait for this promise to resolve before controller is loaded 
     // the controller can then inject `user` as a dependency. This could also be done 
     // in the controller, but this makes things cleaner (controller doesn't need to worry 
     // about auth status or timing of displaying its UI components) 
     user: ['simpleLogin', function(simpleLogin) { 
      return simpleLogin.getUser(); 
    '/chat': { 
     templateUrl: 'partials/chat.html', 
     controller: 'ChatCtrl' 
    '/login': { 
     templateUrl: 'partials/login.html', 
     controller: 'LoginCtrl' 
    '/account': { 
     templateUrl: 'partials/account.html', 
     controller: 'AccountCtrl', 
     // require user to be logged in to view this route 
     // the whenAuthenticated method below will resolve the current user 
     // before this controller loads and redirect if necessary 
     authRequired: true 

    * Adds a special `whenAuthenticated` method onto $routeProvider. This special method, 
    * when called, invokes the requireUser() service (see simpleLogin.js). 
    * The promise either resolves to the authenticated user object and makes it available to 
    * dependency injection (see AuthCtrl), or rejects the promise if user is not logged in, 
    * forcing a redirect to the /login page 
    .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { 
    // credits for this idea: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/angular/dPr9BpIZID0/MgWVluo_Tg8J 
    // unfortunately, a decorator cannot be use here because they are not applied until after 
    // the .config calls resolve, so they can't be used during route configuration, so we have 
    // to hack it directly onto the $routeProvider object 
    $routeProvider.whenAuthenticated = function(path, route) { 
     route.resolve = route.resolve || {}; 
     route.resolve.user = ['requireUser', function(requireUser) { 
     return requireUser(); 
     $routeProvider.when(path, route); 

    // configure views; the authRequired parameter is used for specifying pages 
    // which should only be available while logged in 
    .config(['$routeProvider', 'ROUTES', function($routeProvider, ROUTES) { 
    angular.forEach(ROUTES, function(route, path) { 
     if(route.authRequired) { 
     // adds a {resolve: user: {...}} promise which is rejected if 
     // the user is not authenticated or fulfills with the user object 
     // on success (the user object is then available to dependency injection) 
     $routeProvider.whenAuthenticated(path, route); 
     else { 
     // all other routes are added normally 
     $routeProvider.when(path, route); 
    // routes which are not in our map are redirected to /home 
    $routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/home'}); 

    * Apply some route security. Any route's resolve method can reject the promise with 
    * { authRequired: true } to force a redirect. This method enforces that and also watches 
    * for changes in auth status which might require us to navigate away from a path 
    * that we can no longer view. 
    .run(['$rootScope', '$location', 'simpleLogin', 'ROUTES', 'loginRedirectPath', 
    function($rootScope, $location, simpleLogin, ROUTES, loginRedirectPath) { 
     // watch for login status changes and redirect if appropriate 
     simpleLogin.watch(check, $rootScope); 

     // some of our routes may reject resolve promises with the special {authRequired: true} error 
     // this redirects to the login page whenever that is encountered 
     $rootScope.$on("$routeChangeError", function(e, next, prev, err) { 
     if(angular.isObject(err) && err.authRequired) { 

     function check(user) { 
     if(!user && authRequired($location.path())) { 

     function authRequired(path) { 
     return ROUTES.hasOwnProperty(path) && ROUTES[path].authRequired; 

、しかしsimpleLogin.jsはあなたが提供したリンクにありません。 – hunterInt
