2016-06-16 10 views



Sub Consolidates() 
Dim datasheet As Worksheet 

Set datasheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1") 

lr = datasheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row 
For x = 2 To lr 

If cell.Value = "B" Or "BR" Or " Then 
cell.Value = "BR" 
    ElseIf cell.Value = "CL" Or "CR" _ 
     Then cell.Value = "CR" 
       ElseIf cell.Value = "" Then 
       End If 
       Next x 
End Sub 




For x = 1 To lr 
    If Cells(x, 9).Value = "B" Or Cells(x, 9).Value = "BR" Then 
     Cells(x, 9).Value = "BR"   
    ElseIf Cells(x, 9).Value = "CL" Or Cells(x, 9).Value = "CR" Then 
     Cells(x, 9).Value = "CR" 
    End If 
Next x 


For x = 1 To lr 
    Select Case Cells(x, 9).Value 
     Case "B", "BR" 
      Cells(x, 9).Value = "BR" 
     Case "CL", "CR" 
      Cells(x, 9).Value = "CR" 
    End Select 
Next x 


For x = 1 To lr 
    Select Case LCase(Cells(x, 9).Value) 
     Case "b", "br" 
      Cells(x, 9).Value = "BR" 
     Case "cl", "cr" 
      Cells(x, 9).Value = "CR" 
    End Select 
Next x 

Option Explicit 

Sub Consolidates() 
    Dim stringsToSearch As String, stringToSubstitute As String 
    Dim stringsToSearchArr As Variant, stringToSubstituteArr As Variant 

    ' here define the "table" 
    stringsToSearch = "B,CL" '<--| type here the strings to be searched for 
    stringToSubstitute = "BR,CR" '<--| type here the corresponding strings to change searched ones into 

    stringsToSearchArr = Split(stringsToSearch, ",") '<--| turn "stringsToSearch" into an array 
    stringToSubstituteArr = Split(stringToSubstitute, ",") '<--| turn "stringToSubstitute" into an array 

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheetTest") '<--| change "sheetTest" with your actual sheet name 
     With .Range("I2:I" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row) '<--| consider all cells in column "I" from row 2 to last non empty one 
      For i = LBound(stringsToSearchArr) To UBound(stringsToSearchArr) '<--| loop through the "table" 
       .Replace What:=stringsToSearchArr(i), Replacement:=stringToSubstituteArr(i), LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=True '<--| find current string and replace it with its corresponding replacement 
      Next i 
     End With 
    End With 
End Sub 