{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
class Funk a where truth :: a -> [Bool]
instance Funk [Bool] where truth = \x -> x
instance Funk Bool where truth = \x -> [x]
instance Funk b => Funk (Bool -> b) where
truth f = concat [truth (f True), truth (f False)]
これは、How to write a Haskell function that takes a variadic function as an argumentの答えに触発されています。
Main> truth (\x y -> x && y)
Main> truth (\x y -> x || y)
Main> main
T T T | T
T T F | T
T F T | T
T F F | F
F T T | T
F T F | F
F F T | T
F F F | T
class TruthTable a where
truthTable :: Funk f => f -> a
instance TruthTable [String] where
truthTable f = zipWith (++) (hCells (div (length t) 2)) (map showBool $ truth f)
showBool True = "| T"
showBool False = "| F"
hCells 1 = ["T ", "F "]
hCells n = ["T " ++ x | x <- hCells (div n 2)] ++ ["F " ++ x | x <- hCells (div n 2)]
instance TruthTable [Char] where
truthTable f = foldl1 join (truthTable f)
where join a b = a ++ "\n" ++ b
instance TruthTable (IO a) where
truthTable f = putStrLn (truthTable f) >> return undefined
main :: IO()
main = truthTable (\x y z -> x `xor` y ==> z)
xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor a b = not $ a == b
(==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
a ==> b = not $ a && not b
ああ、ありがとう。私はText.PrintfのIsCharと同様の "トリック"を見たことがあります。 – scravy