2017-02-23 14 views



// SIGNOUT FUNCTION in the controller 

$scope.signOut = function(){ 
    firebase.auth().signOut().then(function() { 
      // This is to try to "clean" "clear" all informations of the previous user 
      template: 'Logging out....' 
       $timeout(function() { 
       disableBack: true, 
       historyRoot: true 
     }, 30);   

// MAJ DOM (menu) FUNCTION in the controller 
// function used for refresh the menu informations (avatar, displayname...) 

$scope.majDom = function() 
    var user = firebase.auth().currentUser; 
    var uid; 
    $scope.userData = user; 

    if (user !== null) { 
     $scope.userData.displayName = user.displayName; 
     $scope.userData.email = user.email; 
     $scope.userData.avatar = user.photoURL; 
     uid = user.uid; 
     //With these lines, I can read in the console that the right informations are loaded after a new login, but never appear in the menu, instead there are previous user's informations. 
     console.log("Avatar de l'user :", $scope.userData.avatar); 
     console.log("Nom de l'user :", $scope.userData.displayName); 
     console.log("Email de l'user :", $scope.userData.email); 

// LOGIN FUNCTION in the controller 

$scope.loginEmail = function($email, $password){ 
    var alertPopup; 
    function signInSuccess(response) { 
     console.log('signInSuccess : ', response); 
     // This is to call a menu refresh, but dosen't work 
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword($email, $password) 


// MENU FUNCTION in the Menu Page of the creator 

function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, $firebaseArray, $ionicHistory) { 
//$ionicUser, $ionicAuth, 

    var user = firebase.auth().currentUser; 
    var uid; 
    $scope.userData = user; 
     disableBack: true, 
     historyRoot: true 
    if (user !== null) { 
     $scope.userData.displayName = user.displayName; 
     $scope.userData.email = user.email; 
     $scope.userData.avatar = user.photoURL; 
     uid = user.uid; 
     console.log("Avatar de l'user :", $scope.userData.avatar); 
     console.log("Nom de l'user :", $scope.userData.displayName); 
     console.log("Email de l'user :", $scope.userData.email); 
In the side menu's HTML the Avatar is called like this : 



And the display name : 



、誰もが考えを持っているしてください? – Memphis





私は:)これを考え出し、溶液は$スコープ内の現在のユーザーを初期化することでした。 $ onは、あなたがイオンサイドメニューアプリケーションを作成しているときに問題があるので、メニューはあなたが彼に与えた情報で一度作成され、それをリフレッシュするためにイベントfunctiを持つ必要があります$ scopeのように$ on。この特定のケースでは、HTMLの{{data.value}}だけでは不十分です。

// MAJ DOM (menu) FUNCTION in the controller 
// function used for refresh the menu informations (avatar, displayname...) 

$scope.majDom = function() 
    var user; 
    var uid; 
    $scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() { 
     user = firebase.auth().currentUser; 
     $scope.userData = user; 
     $scope.userData.displayName = user.displayName; 
     $scope.userData.email = user.email; 
     $scope.userData.avatar = user.photoURL; 
     uid = user.uid; 
     console.log("MENU : Avatar de l'user :", $scope.userData.avatar); 
     console.log("MENU : Nom de l'user :", $scope.userData.displayName); 
     console.log("MENU : Email de l'user :", $scope.userData.email); 
