HTTP Error Not Found
にメトリックを公開し、私の作業コード、次のとおりです。単純に公開しいくつかのエンドポイント。 Prometheusが/homepage
public class Example {
//Just a logger that keeps track of relevant information:
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Example.class.getName());
//counter for counting how many times an endpoint has been hit
static final Counter myCounter = Counter.build()
.name("CounterName") //note: by convention, counters should have "_total" suffix
.help("Total requests recorded by a specific endpoint")
//using a guage to set the time that a dummy process started, store the time it ends, and then calculate
//the elapsed time between when the process started and when the process ended.
static final Gauge myGauge = Gauge.build()
.help("This is the Gauge help message")
String hello() {
myCounter.labels("customLabel1").inc(); //increment the number of requests by one
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Number of times /hello has been hit: " + myCounter.labels("customLabel1").get());
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Size of our Gauge: " + myGauge.labels("customLabel1").get());
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "size of out Gauge after decrementing by 1: " + myGauge.labels("customLabel1").get());
return "Hello world! This is an example response!";
String homePage() {
myCounter.labels("customLabel2").inc(); //increment the number of requests by one
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Number of times /homepage has been hit: " + myCounter.labels("customLabel2").get());
return "this is the home page!!";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SpringApplication.run(Example.class, args);
public class MonitoringConfig {
SpringBootMetricsCollector springBootMetricsCollector(Collection<PublicMetrics> publicMetrics){
SpringBootMetricsCollector springBootMetricsCollector = new SpringBootMetricsCollector(publicMetrics);
return springBootMetricsCollector;
ServletRegistrationBean servletRegistrationBean() {
return new ServletRegistrationBean(new MetricsServlet(), "/prometheus");
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<!-- Prometheus dependencies -->
<!-- The client -->
<!-- Hotspot JVM metrics -->
<!-- Exposition HTTPServer -->
<!-- Pushgateway exposition -->
<!-- Spring Boot Actuator for exposing metrics -->