let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "RepeatingCell", for: indexPath) as! CustomTableViewCell
cell.delegate = self
tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 0, 0, 0)
if (indexPath as NSIndexPath).row < tableListInfo_Context.count {
let task = tableListInfo_Context[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row
let accState = task.value(forKey: "state") as? String
//Removed assigning labels their text
let mainView = cell.mainView
mainView.isHidden = false
let circleView = cell.viewToRound
circleView?.isHidden = false
circleView?.layer.cornerRadius = (circleView?.frame.size.width)!/2
circleView?.layer.masksToBounds = true
cell.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 1000, 0, 1000)
} else {
//My last cell hides several views to reveal a view under them
//If I comment this one line out, I get the not-rounded problem only once and it does not show up again even if I continue scrolling up/down
let mainView = cell.mainView
mainView.isHidden = true
let circleView = cell.viewToRound
circleView?.isHidden = true
。私はそれがビューを隠す最後のセルに関連していると思う。 20個のセルのリストで
let circleView = myCell.mainCircle
circleView?.layer.cornerRadius = (circleView?.frame.size.width)!/2
circleView?.layer.masksToBounds = true
DUNCANによって要求されたFULL CODE:代わりにcellForRowAtIndexPath
func buildCell_RepeatableCell (indexPath: IndexPath) -> CustomTableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "RepeatingCell", for: indexPath) as! CustomTableViewCell
cell.delegate = self
tableToSV_Left.constant = 10
tableToSV_Right.constant = 10
tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 0, 0, 0)
if (indexPath as NSIndexPath).row < curLifeList_Context.count {
resetDataCell_ToDefaultLaylout(cell: cell, hideExpand: true)
let task = curLifeList_Context[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row]
let accState = task.value(forKey: "state") as? String
cell.nameLabel!.text = task.value(forKey: "name") as? String
cell.descLabel!.text = task.value(forKey: "desc") as? String
let redTrashIcon = UIImage(named: "trash")
let maskedIcon = redTrashIcon?.maskWithColor(color: .red)
cell.row5_LeftBtnImg?.image = maskedIcon
let doneGreen = UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 83/255, green: 223/255, blue: 56/225, alpha: 0.9)
let greenCheck = UIImage(named: "check_Green")
let maskedCheck = greenCheck?.maskWithColor(color: doneGreen)
cell.row5_RightBtnImg?.image = maskedCheck
roundQtyCircle(view: cell.mainCircle)
if accState == "Selected" {
cell.circleLine.backgroundColor = doneGreen
cell.mainCircle.borderColor = doneGreen
cell.hdrCrossOutLine.isHidden = false
cell.row5_RightBtnImg.alpha = 0.5
} else {
cell.circleLine.backgroundColor = UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 211/255, green: 211/255, blue: 211/255, alpha: 0.9)
cell.mainCircle.borderColor = UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 211/255, green: 211/255, blue: 211/255, alpha: 0.9)
cell.hdrCrossOutLine.isHidden = true
cell.row5_RightBtnImg.alpha = 1.0
cell.dataHdr_Left!.text = doneColon_lczd
cell.dataHdr_Right!.text = lastDoneColon_lczd
cell.dataVal_Left!.text = "0"
cell.dataVal_Right!.text = "-"
if let lastCompDate = task.value(forKey: "lastCompleted") as? Date {
cell.dataVal_Left!.text = "\(task.value(forKey: "timesCompleted") as! Int)"
if NSCalendar.current.isDateInToday(lastCompDate) {
cell.dataVal_Right!.text = "Today"
cell.dataBotDtl_Right.text = ""
} else {
let secondsUntilChange = (lastCompDate.seconds(from: now)) * -1
print("Seconds ago \(secondsUntilChange)")
var timeAgo = getDateString(secondsUntilChange, resetDate: lastCompDate)
timeAgo.remove(at: timeAgo.startIndex)
cell.dataVal_Right!.text = timeAgo
cell.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 1000, 0, 1000)
} else {
buildAddNew_ForRepeatableCell(cell: cell)
return cell
func resetDataCell_ToDefaultLaylout (cell: CustomTableViewCell, hideExpand: Bool) {
cell.addnewBtn.isHidden = true
cell.nameLabel.isHidden = false
cell.dataHdr_Left.isHidden = false
cell.dataHdr_Right.isHidden = false
cell.dataTopDtl_Right.isHidden = false
cell.dataBotDtl_Right.isHidden = false
cell.mainBox.isHidden = false
func buildAddNew_ForRepeatableCell (cell: CustomTableViewCell) {
cell.addnewBtn.isHidden = false
cell.descLabel.text = addNew_lczd //For editor
cell.mainBox.isHidden = true
cell.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 1000, 0, 1000)
'cellForRow'メソッドのブロックでは、' mainView'を隠していますが、ifブロックに隠蔽していません。 – Adeel
@Adeel私はテキスト割り当てコードを削除するのが間違いだったので、私は誤ってその行を再表示しませんでした。もしmainViewが表示されていなければ、丸められていないビューは全く表示されません。 –