## get only first 8 words from each tweet
x <- lapply(strsplit(dat$text, " "), "[", 1:8)
x <- lapply(x, na.omit)
x <- vapply(x, paste, collapse = " ", character(1))
## get rid of hyperlinks
x <- gsub("http[\\S]{1,}", "", x, perl = TRUE)
## encode for search query (handles the non ascii chars)
x <- sapply(x, URLencode, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
## get up to first 100 retweets for each tweet
data <- lapply(x, search_tweets, verbose = FALSE)
## search for day of rage tweets, try to exclude rt here
dor <- search_tweets("#Newsnight -filter:retweets", n = 10000)
## merge tweets data with unique (non duplicated) users data
## exclude retweets
## select status_id, retweet count, followers count, and text columns
dat <- dor %>%
users_data() %>%
unique() %>%
right_join(dor) %>%
filter(!is_retweet) %>%
dplyr::select(user_id, screen_name, retweet_count, followers_count, text) %>%
filter(retweet_count >=50 & retweet_count <100 & followers_count < 10000 & followers_count > 500)
## get only first 8 words from each tweet
x <- lapply(strsplit(dat$text, " "), "[", 1:8)
x <- lapply(x, na.omit)
x <- vapply(x, paste, collapse = " ", character(1))
## get rid of hyperlinks
x <- gsub("http[\\S]{1,}", "", x, perl = TRUE)
## encode for search query (handles the non ascii chars)
x <- sapply(x, URLencode, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
## get up to first 100 retweets for each tweet
data <- lapply(x, search_tweets, verbose = FALSE)
There are 11 more elements like this
あなたは 'data'は12個の要素のリストですか?あなたは 'データ'がどのように見えるかを見せてもらえますか? –
@AlexP、私は質問を編集しました。私はデータを表示するために画像を追加しました –
うーん...それは79x39だと言います。あなたが話す12の要素はどこですか? –