;This our original list to create reverse polish notation -1 will represent operators
;and 1 will represent numbers. It doesnt have two -1's and one 1 because for valid
;reverse polish notaion it needs to start with two nummbers and end with an operator
(define start-perm (list -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1))
;This line creates all permutations of the original RPN list and it removes the duplicates
(define perms (remove-duplicates (permutations start-perm)))
;This function adds the two 1s to the front of the list and the -1 to the end of the list
(define (make-rpn l)
(append (list 1 1) l (list -1)))
(make-rpn (car perms))
; adds 1 1 to start of all permutations and adds -1 to the end of all permutations
(map make-rpn perms)