私はとても大変でしたが、これを動作させることができませんでした。 "Game"クラスの "推測"メソッドは、パラメータ "someInt"と "Number"クラスの変数 "x"を比較する必要があります。私は本当に助けに感謝します、私はこれを今晩行う必要があります。これはこれまでのところ、私が得たものである:他のクラスからの変数との比較
public class Number
private int x;
* Constructor for class Number.
* This constructor assigns x to a new random
* number between 1 and 100
public Number()
// The following lines creates a random number
// between 1 and 100 and assigns it to x
java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random();
x = random.nextInt(100) + 1;
public int getNumber(){
return x;
public class Game
private Number number;
* This constructor should initialize the filed number
public Game() {
Number number1 = new Number();
* This method takes a parameter "someInt" and
* compares it with the value stored in "this.number".
* If "someInt" is less than the value stored in "this.number",
* then the system should print "Your guess is too small" on the screen;
* if "someInt" is larger than that value,
* then the system should print "Your guess is too large" on the screen;
* otherwise it should print "You win!".
public void guess(int someInt) {
if (someInt < x){
System.out.println("Your guess is too small");
else if (someInt > x) {
System.out.println("Your guess is too large");
else {
System.out.println("You win!");
'number1.getNumber(x);を' int x = number1.getNumber(); 'に置き換えます。 –