df <- data.frame(col1=c('what is physics?', 'set cover is NP hard', 'abstract algebra'),
col2=c('Physics is the study of...', 'Example of an NP complete problem is 3-SAT', 'linear algebra'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# col1 col2
# 1 what is physics? Physics is the study of...
# 2 set cover is NP hard Example of an NP complete problem is 3-SAT
# 3 abstract algebra linear algebra
apply(df, 1, function(x) intersect(tolower(unlist(strsplit(gsub('[^a-zA-Z\\s]+', ' ', x[1]), split=' '))),
tolower(unlist(strsplit(gsub('[^a-zA-Z\\s]+', ' ', x[2]), split=' ')))))
#[1] "is" "physics"
#[1] "is" "np"
#[1] "algebra"
それは "非公開にでエラーが発生しました(strsplit(GSUB(" [^-ZA-Z \\ S]」と言い、 ""、x [2]))、split = ""): 未使用引数(split = "") " – AYa
あなたは今すぐ確認していただけますか?タイプミスがありました。 –