-- supertype
create type object_t is object;
create type object_list_t is table of ref object_t;
-- subtype
create type person_t under object_t (
name varchar2(20)
,children object_list_t
create type person_t is object (
name varchar2(20)
show errors
create table persons of person_t;
insert into persons values(person_t('Grandfather'));
insert into persons values(person_t('Father'));
insert into persons values(person_t('Mother'));
insert into persons values(person_t('Son 1'));
insert into persons values(person_t('Daughter 1'));
insert into persons values(person_t('Son 2'));
create table x (
parent ref person_t
,child ref person_t
-- build a family tree
insert into x values(
(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Grandfather')
,(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Father')
insert into x values(
(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Father')
,(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Son 1')
insert into x values(
(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Father')
,(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Son 2')
insert into x values(
(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Father')
,(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Daughter 1')
insert into x values(
(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Mother')
,(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Son 1')
insert into x values(
(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Mother')
,(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Son 2')
insert into x values(
(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Mother')
,(select ref(p) from persons p where name = 'Daughter 1')
column parent format a30
column child format a30
select deref(child) as child from x where deref(parent).name = 'Father';
PERSON_T('Son 1')
PERSON_T('Son 2')
PERSON_T('Daughter 1')
select deref(parent) as parent, deref(child) as child
from x
start with deref(parent).name = 'Grandfather'
connect by prior child = parent
------------------------------ ------------------------------
PERSON_T('Grandfather') PERSON_T('Father')
PERSON_T('Father') PERSON_T('Son 1')
PERSON_T('Father') PERSON_T('Son 2')
PERSON_T('Father') PERSON_T('Daughter 1')
機能はDatabase Object-Relational Developer's Guideで説明されています。これは、Oracleオブジェクト型を操作する場合に慣れておくべきドキュメントです。
これは存在しない型を参照しようとしていて、存在しない型を参照している型を作成しようとしているときに構文上正しくありません。あなたは最初に完全な定義をする必要があります。 – XING