2012-04-28 18 views




 To manage program memory, iPhone OS uses essentially the same virtual memory system found in Mac OS X. 
In iPhone OS, each program still has its own virtual address space, but (unlike 
Mac OS X) its usable virtual memory is constrained by the amount of physical memory 
available. This is because iPhone OS does not write volatile pages to disk when memory 
gets full. Instead, the virtual memory system frees up volatile memory, 
as needed, to make sure the running application has the space it needs. It does 
this by removing memory pages that are not being used and that contain read-only contents, 
such as code pages. Such pages can always be loaded back into memory later if they are needed again. 

    If memory continues to be constrained, the system may also send notifications to 
the running applications, asking them to free up additional memory. All applications 
should respond to this notification and do their part to help relieve the memory pressure. 
For information on how to handle such notifications in your application, see 
“Observing Low-Memory Warnings.” 

貴重な情報ありがとうございました。私は私のアプリを作っている間これを私の配慮に持っていきます! – boochan224


あなたの質問に答えてから1年以上経ちました。迅速に対応していただきありがとうございます。私はプログラミングから離れなければならず、Stack Overflowをチェックしなかった。遅い返事の私の謝罪。私は今質問をもう一度聞くことができると思う! – boochan224


ようこそ。 @ boochan224 – akk
