2016-08-10 17 views



<div class="logo"> 
    <img src="css/rio-40.png"/> 
<div class="container" id="start"> 
    <div class = "question"></div> 
    <ul id="answers"> 
    <li class= "answer span" id= "A"></li> 
    <li class= "answer span" id= "B"></li> 
    <li class= "answer span" id= "C"></li> 
<div class="container2"> 
    <div class="score"></div> 

<div class="container3"> 
    <div class = "right-or-wrong" style = "display:none"></div> 
    <div class = "next" style = "display:none">Next question!</div> 
     <div id="score again"></div> 

<div class="cd-popup" role="alert"> 
    <div class="cd-popup-container"> 
     <p> OH NO! <br /> You got 0 out of 3 correct. <br /> Brush up on your trivia <br /> and play again.</p> 
     <ul class="cd-buttons"> 
      <li id="reset"><a href="#start">Play Again</a></li> 
<div class="cd-popup1" role="alert"> 
    <div class="cd-popup1-container"> 
    <img src="css/bronze-rio.png" /> 
    <p> You got 1 out of 3 correct. </br>Good job!</p> 
     <ul class="cd-buttons"> 
      <li id="reset"><a href="#start">Play Again</a></li> 
<div class="cd-popup2" role="alert"> 
    <div class="cd-popup2-container"> 
    <img src="css/silver-rio.png" /> 
    <p>You got 2 out of 3 correct.</br>Awesome job!</p> 
     <ul class="cd-buttons"> 
      <li id="reset"><a href="#start">Play Again</a></li> 
<div class="cd-popup3" role="alert"> 
    <div class="cd-popup3-container"> 
    <img src="css/gold-rio.png" /> 
      <p>You got 3 out of 3 correct.</br>Perfection!</p> 
     <ul class="cd-buttons"> 
      <li id="reset"><a href="#start">Play Again</a></li> 


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Codepen here

、それは質問のパディングと大きさに関係している実際のGame here



ですと答える。コンテナをposition: absolute;と親のposition: relative;にして、すべて同じ場所に配置するようにしてください。