1)A lot of it is caused by insecurities, issues that can trouble you so much that you end up losing your focus.
2)Surely all this is taken in consideration."
3)Discussing the experience of working with his long-deceased coach, Charlie Hilmann is characteristically fond: "We would spend as many as 10 hours in the field, and we eventually delivered just as much as expected.
4)It was challenging.
5)I realized that it's the greatest thing for me if I can use all of the peculiarity of a given moment within a given context, leverage all the inspiration and push it hard to go beyond.
6)You pull out something from the experience that really makes a difference."
7)Constant reminders of the fearless warriors that Charlie and Garrett used to be are the images and stories, relics of a time when experiencing pain and loss was no more than a requirement for achievement and success.
8)That was just the beginning of a journey, with hope and resolve at the forefront and a hunger toward one goal that I knew I could conquer.
すべてのこれらの文字列はそのまま、データベースに存在しています。 100%一致します。 SQLiteはクエリ2,4、および6を見つけることができません。私は理由を知りません。行の終わりに(データベースに格納されている正確な文字列に存在する)対になっていない引用符でも構いませんが、クエリ#4の問題は何ですか?
FTS expression tree is too large (maximum depth 12)
グーグルが私に多くの助けにならない、私はトピックで見つけたすべてを理解することはできません。しかし、とにかく、私はsqlite3.cのオプションSQLITE_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH 0
注: 'SQLITE_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH'を0に設定するだけでなく、' SQLITE_FTS3_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH'を12から24に増やして再コンパイルしましたが、エラーメッセージにはまだ ""(最大深度12) "と表示されます。 – movingtype