clear all
set obs 150
set seed 1234
foreach i in 1 2 {
gen year`i' = round(runiform()*4)
tostring year`i', replace
replace year`i' = "Super Low" if year`i'=="0"
replace year`i' = "Kinda Low" if year`i'=="1"
replace year`i' = "Average to Mediocre" if year`i'=="2"
replace year`i' = "Pretty High" if year`i'=="3"
replace year`i' = "Incredibly High" if year`i'=="4"
それは難しい私が予想より行うことを見つける、私は次のコードを思いついた(感謝https://www.statalist.org/forums/forum/general-stata-discussion/general/1124796-any-way-to-save-row-percentages-output-as-a-matrix) :
label define order 1 "Pretty High" 2 "Average to Mediocre" 3 "Kinda Low" 4 "Incredibly High" 5 "Super Low"
foreach i in 1 2 {
encode year`i', gen(y`i'_freq) label(order)
tab y`i'_freq, matcell(y`i'_freq)
mata: st_matrix("y`i'_pct", (st_matrix("y`i'_freq") :/ colsum(st_matrix("y`i'_freq"))))
matrix combined = y1_freq, y1_pct
foreach i in 2 {
matrix combined = combined, y`i'_freq, y`i'_pct
mata: st_matrix("c", (st_matrix("combined"), st_matrix("combined")[.,2] - st_matrix("combined")[.,4]))
matrix rownames c = "Pretty High" "Average to Mediocre" "Kinda Low" "Incredibly High" "Super Low"
matrix colnames c = "No. 1 Freq" "No. 1 Pct" "No. 2 Freq" "No. 2 Pct" "Difference"
esttab matrix(c), nomtitles
'matrix combined = y1_freq、y1_pct、y2_freq、y2_pct'は3行を節約します。 –