create table employees (
num_pass int(5) not null,
name varchar(40),
primary key (num_pass)
create table laboratories (
code int(10) not null,
name varchar(40),
primary key (codi),
create table areas (
code int(5) not null,
codeLab int(10) not null,
level enum('H','M','L'),
primary key (code, codeLab),
foreign key (codeLab) references laboratories(code)
create table qualifieds (
num_pass int(5) not null,
area_assigned int(5),
lab int(5),
primary key (num_pass),
foreign key (num_pass) references employees(num_pass),
foreign key (area_assigned, lab) references areas (code, codeLab)
select b.code
from employees e, areas b, qualifieds q
where e.num_pass=q.num_pass
and 3 < (select count(b1.code)
from areas b1, qualifieds q1, employers e1
where e1.num_pass=q1.num_pass
and q1.area_assigned=b1.code
and q1.lab=b1.codeLab);
3つのうち2つは良いですが、[私は非常に単純なSQLクエリであると思われるMCVEを提供する必要があります](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/333952/why-should-i -provide-an-mcve-for-what-to-me-to-be-a-very-simple-sql-query) – Strawberry