の%% B = FILE3
私はループの仕事...私は%でなどFILE3%を値を使用する必要が%% Bリターン%FILE3% B %%%のような%
たいon file3。ジップ
set file3=Bin64\Setup.exe -Install -output screen
set file8=Setup.exe -Install
set file11=someanotherdir\Setup.exe -options
set stuff= file.zip file1.zip file2.zip file3.zip file4.zip file5.zip file6.zip file7.zip file8.zip file9.zip file10.zip file11.zip
set count=1
For /f "tokens=%count%" %%a in ("%stuff%") do (
echo %%a
set /a "count+=1"
echo File to work: %%a
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=. " %%b in ("%%a") do (
rem ###\/ HERE [%%%b%] ???? ###
if [%%%b%] EQU [] (
echo No option detected for: %%b
goto :while
rem ###\/ AND HERE %%%b% ###
echo Execute this cmd for this file: %%%b%
goto :while
質問を明確にしてください。何を求めているのですか? – ifconfig