template <typename T>
struct NextIntegralType
template <>
struct NextIntegralType<void>
typedef unsigned char type;
template <>
struct NextIntegralType<unsigned char>
typedef unsigned short type;
...More type 'iteration' here...
template<size_t BITS, typename T>
struct FindIntegralType2
typedef std::conditional<BITS <= sizeof(typename T::type)*8, T, FindIntegralType2<BITS, NextIntegralType<typename T::type>>> _type;
typedef typename _type::type type;
template<size_t BITS>
struct FindIntegralType
typedef typename FindIntegralType2<BITS, NextIntegralType<void>>::type type;
FindIntegralType<15>::type test(4000);
error: no matching function for call to ‘FindIntegralType2<15u, NextIntegralType<unsigned char> >::FindIntegralType2(int)’
note: candidates are:
note: constexpr FindIntegralType2<15u, NextIntegralType<unsigned char> >::FindIntegralType2()
note: candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided
note: constexpr FindIntegralType2<15u, NextIntegralType<unsigned char> >::FindIntegralType2(const FindIntegralType2<15u, NextIntegralType<unsigned char> >&)
note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘const FindIntegralType2<15u, NextIntegralType<unsigned char> >&’
私の再帰は 'されていないように思え解き放つ。誰かが私を正しい方向に向けることができますか?
注:私はGCC 4.6を使用しています。
Automatically pick a variable type big enough to hold a specified number
なぜstdint.hを使用しないのですか? – mfontanini
@mfontaniniあなたは詳しく説明できますか? – TractorPulledPork