2016-11-07 13 views

cassandraテーブルの列の1つのデータ型はtimeuuidです。datastax mapperクラスのtimeuuidのデータ型は何ですか?


start timeuuid 

private UUID start; 


列定義とマッパークラスの列の定義を参照してください。要求された操作が見つかりませんコーデック:[timeuuid - > java.util.Date]


あなたは、私は、timeuuidのための長い値(タイムスタンプ)を持っている今、私はUUIDに変換する必要がありJavaのUUID –


@AshrafulIslamを使用する必要があります。どのように達成するための任意の提案 –


答えをチェックアウト –




*  Copyright (C) 2012-2015 DataStax Inc. 
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
* You may obtain a copy of the License at 
*  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
* limitations under the License. 
package com.datastax.driver.core.utils; 

import java.net.InetAddress; 
import java.net.NetworkInterface; 
import java.net.SocketException; 
import java.net.UnknownHostException; 
import java.nio.charset.Charset; 
import java.security.MessageDigest; 
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; 
import java.util.*; 
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; 

* Utility methods to work with UUID and most specifically with time-based ones (version 1). 
public final class UUIDs { 

    private UUIDs() { 


    // http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt 
    private static final long START_EPOCH = makeEpoch(); 
    private static final long CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE = makeClockSeqAndNode(); 

    * The min and max possible lsb for a UUID. 
    * Note that his is not 0 and all 1's because Cassandra TimeUUIDType 
    * compares the lsb parts as a signed byte array comparison. So the min 
    * value is 8 times -128 and the max is 8 times +127. 
    * Note that we ignore the uuid variant (namely, MIN_CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE 
    * have variant 2 as it should, but MAX_CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE have variant 0) 
    * because I don't trust all uuid implementation to have correctly set 
    * those (pycassa don't always for instance). 
    private static final long MIN_CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE = 0x8080808080808080L; 
    private static final long MAX_CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE = 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fL; 

    private static final AtomicLong lastTimestamp = new AtomicLong(0L); 

    private static long makeEpoch() { 
     // UUID v1 timestamp must be in 100-nanoseconds interval since 00:00:00.000 15 Oct 1582. 
     Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-0")); 
     c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1582); 
     c.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.OCTOBER); 
     c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 15); 
     c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); 
     c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); 
     c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); 
     c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); 
     return c.getTimeInMillis(); 

    private static long makeNode() { 

     * We don't have access to the MAC address (in pure JAVA at least) but 
     * need to generate a node part that identify this host as uniquely as 
     * possible. 
     * The spec says that one option is to take as many source that 
     * identify this node as possible and hash them together. That's what 
     * we do here by gathering all the ip of this host as well as a few 
     * other sources. 
     try { 

      MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); 
      for (String address : getAllLocalAddresses()) { 
       update(digest, address); 

      Properties props = System.getProperties(); 
      update(digest, props.getProperty("java.vendor")); 
      update(digest, props.getProperty("java.vendor.url")); 
      update(digest, props.getProperty("java.version")); 
      update(digest, props.getProperty("os.arch")); 
      update(digest, props.getProperty("os.name")); 
      update(digest, props.getProperty("os.version")); 

      byte[] hash = digest.digest(); 

      long node = 0; 
      for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { 
       node |= (0x00000000000000ffL & (long) hash[i]) << (i * 8); 
      // Since we don't use the mac address, the spec says that multicast 
      // bit (least significant bit of the first byte of the node ID) must be 1. 
      return node | 0x0000010000000000L; 
     } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { 
      throw new RuntimeException(e); 

    private static void update(MessageDigest digest, String value) { 
     if (value != null) { 

    private static long makeClockSeqAndNode() { 
     long clock = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextLong(); 
     long node = makeNode(); 

     long lsb = 0; 
     lsb |= (clock & 0x0000000000003FFFL) << 48; 
     lsb |= 0x8000000000000000L; 
     lsb |= node; 
     return lsb; 

    * Creates a new random (version 4) UUID. 
    * <p/> 
    * This method is just a convenience for {@code UUID.randomUUID()}. 
    * @return a newly generated, pseudo random, version 4 UUID. 
    public static UUID random() { 
     return UUID.randomUUID(); 

    * Creates a new time-based (version 1) UUID. 
    * <p/> 
    * UUID generated by this method are suitable for use with the {@code timeuuid} Cassandra type. In particular the generated UUID includes the timestamp of its generation. 
    * @return a new time-based UUID. 
    public static UUID timeBased() { 
     return new UUID(makeMSB(getCurrentTimestamp()), CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE); 

    public static UUID getTimeUUID(long tstamp) { 
     long timestamp = (tstamp - START_EPOCH) * 10000; 
     long msb = 0L; 
     msb |= (0x00000000ffffffffL & timestamp) << 32; 
     msb |= (0x0000ffff00000000L & timestamp) >>> 16; 
     msb |= (0x0fff000000000000L & timestamp) >>> 48; 
     msb |= 0x0000000000001000L; // sets the version to 1. 
     return new UUID(msb, CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE); 

    * Creates a "fake" time-based UUID that sorts as the smallest possible version 1 UUID generated at the provided timestamp. 
    * <p/> 
    * Such created UUID are useful in queries to select a time range of a {@code timeuuid} column. 
    * <p/> 
    * The UUID created by this method <b>are not unique</b> and as such are 
    * <b>not</b> suitable for anything else than querying a specific time range. In particular, you should not insert such UUID. 
    * <p/> 
    * Also, the timestamp to provide as parameter must be a unix timestamp (as returned by {@link System#currentTimeMillis} or {@link java.util.Date#getTime}), not a UUID 100-nanoseconds intervals since 15 October 1582. In other words, given a UUID {@code uuid}, you should never do {@code startOf(uuid.timestamp())} but rather {@code startOf(unixTimestamp(uuid.timestamp()))}. 
    * <p/> 
    * Lastly, please note that Cassandra's timeuuid sorting is not compatible with {@link UUID#compareTo} and hence the UUID created by this method are not necessarily lower bound for that latter method. 
    * @param timestamp the unix timestamp for which the created UUID must be a lower bound. 
    * @return the smallest (for Cassandra timeuuid sorting) UUID of {@code timestamp}. 
    public static UUID startOf(long timestamp) { 
     return new UUID(makeMSB(fromUnixTimestamp(timestamp)), MIN_CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE); 

    * Creates a "fake" time-based UUID that sorts as the biggest possible version 1 UUID generated at the provided timestamp. 
    * <p/> 
    * Such created UUID are useful in queries to select a time range of a {@code timeuuid} column. 
    * <p/> 
    * The UUID created by this method <b>are not unique</b> and as such are 
    * <b>not</b> suitable for anything else than querying a specific time range. In particular, you should not insert such UUID. 
    * <p/> 
    * Also, the timestamp to provide as parameter must be a unix timestamp (as returned by {@link System#currentTimeMillis} or {@link java.util.Date#getTime}), not a UUID 100-nanoseconds intervals since 15 October 1582. In other words, given a UUID {@code uuid}, you should never do {@code startOf(uuid.timestamp())} but rather {@code startOf(unixTimestamp(uuid.timestamp()))}. 
    * <p/> 
    * Lastly, please note that Cassandra's timeuuid sorting is not compatible with {@link UUID#compareTo} and hence the UUID created by this method are not necessarily upper bound for that latter method. 
    * @param timestamp the unix timestamp for which the created UUID must be an upper bound. 
    * @return the biggest (for Cassandra timeuuid sorting) UUID of {@code timestamp}. 
    public static UUID endOf(long timestamp) { 
     long uuidTstamp = fromUnixTimestamp(timestamp + 1) - 1; 
     return new UUID(makeMSB(uuidTstamp), MAX_CLOCK_SEQ_AND_NODE); 

    * Return the unix timestamp contained by the provided time-based UUID. 
    * <p/> 
    * This method is not equivalent to {@code uuid.timestamp()}. More precisely, a version 1 UUID stores a timestamp that represents the number of 100-nanoseconds intervals since midnight, 15 October 1582 and that is what {@code uuid.timestamp()} returns. This method however converts that timestamp to the equivalent unix timestamp in milliseconds, i.e. a timestamp representing a number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. In particular the timestamps returned by this method are comparable to the timestamp returned by {@link System#currentTimeMillis}, {@link java.util.Date#getTime}, etc. 
    * @param uuid the UUID to return the timestamp of. 
    * @return the unix timestamp of {@code uuid}. 
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code uuid} is not a version 1 UUID. 
    public static long unixTimestamp(UUID uuid) { 
     if (uuid.version() != 1) { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Can only retrieve the unix timestamp for version 1 uuid (provided version %d)", uuid.version())); 

     long timestamp = uuid.timestamp(); 
     return (timestamp/10000) + START_EPOCH; 

    * Note that currently we use System.currentTimeMillis() for a base time in 
    * milliseconds, and then if we are in the same milliseconds that the 
    * previous generation, we increment the number of nanoseconds. 
    * However, since the precision is 100-nanoseconds intervals, we can only 
    * generate 10K UUID within a millisecond safely. If we detect we have 
    * already generated that much UUID within a millisecond (which, while 
    * admittedly unlikely in a real application, is very achievable on even 
    * modest machines), then we stall the generator (busy spin) until the next 
    * millisecond as required by the RFC. 
    private static long getCurrentTimestamp() { 
     while (true) { 
      long now = fromUnixTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); 
      long last = lastTimestamp.get(); 
      if (now > last) { 
       if (lastTimestamp.compareAndSet(last, now)) { 
        return now; 
      } else { 
       long lastMillis = millisOf(last); 
       // If the clock went back in time, bail out 
       if (millisOf(now) < millisOf(last)) { 
        return lastTimestamp.incrementAndGet(); 

       long candidate = last + 1; 
       // If we've generated more than 10k uuid in that millisecond, 
       // we restart the whole process until we get to the next millis. 
       // Otherwise, we try use our candidate ... unless we've been 
       // beaten by another thread in which case we try again. 
       if (millisOf(candidate) == lastMillis && lastTimestamp.compareAndSet(last, candidate)) { 
        return candidate; 

    // Package visible for testing 
    static long fromUnixTimestamp(long tstamp) { 
     return (tstamp - START_EPOCH) * 10000; 

    private static long millisOf(long timestamp) { 
     return timestamp/10000; 

    // Package visible for testing 
    static long makeMSB(long timestamp) { 
     long msb = 0L; 
     msb |= (0x00000000ffffffffL & timestamp) << 32; 
     msb |= (0x0000ffff00000000L & timestamp) >>> 16; 
     msb |= (0x0fff000000000000L & timestamp) >>> 48; 
     msb |= 0x0000000000001000L; // sets the version to 1. 
     return msb; 

    private static Set<String> getAllLocalAddresses() { 
     Set<String> allIps = new HashSet<String>(); 
     try { 
      InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); 
      // Also return the hostname if available, it won't hurt (this does a dns lookup, it's only done once at startup) 
      InetAddress[] allMyIps = InetAddress.getAllByName(localhost.getCanonicalHostName()); 
      if (allMyIps != null) { 
       for (int i = 0; i < allMyIps.length; i++) { 
     } catch (UnknownHostException e) { 
      // Ignore, we'll try the network interfaces anyway 

     try { 
      Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); 
      if (en != null) { 
       while (en.hasMoreElements()) { 
        Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = en.nextElement().getInetAddresses(); 
        while (enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements()) { 
     } catch (SocketException e) { 
      // Ignore, if we've really got nothing so far, we'll throw an exception 

     return allIps; 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); 