2016-10-11 16 views



は関与いくつかのコードでこれを達成する方法があるが、 Interface Builderの...で直接これを実行する方法はありません。



/// Recursively checks for UILabels, UITextFields, and UITextViews in a parent UIView and its subviews. 
/// - parameter view: The UIView which may contain text elements for further, unified configuration. 
/// - returns: A dictionary with UILabels, UITextFields, and UITextViews in their own arrays. 
func textElementsInView(_ view: UIView) -> [String : Array<UIView>] { 

    // Get the view's subviews. 
    let subviews = view.subviews 

    // Set up empty arrays for labels, text fields, and text views. 
    var labels : [UILabel] = [] 
    var textFields : [UITextField] = [] 
    var textViews : [UITextView] = [] 

    // Check through the subviews in the given view. 
    for subview in subviews { 

     if subview.isKind(of: UILabel.classForCoder()) { 

      // The subview is a label. Add it to the labels array. 
      labels.append(subview as! UILabel) 

     } else if subview.isKind(of: UITextField.classForCoder()) { 

      // The subview is a text field. Add it to the textFields array. 
      textFields.append(subview as! UITextField) 

     } else if subview.isKind(of: UITextView.classForCoder()) { 

      // The subview is a text view. Add it to the textViews array. 
      textViews.append(subview as! UITextView) 

     } else { 

      // The subview isn't itself a text element...but it could have some in it! 
      // Let's check it using this very function. 
      let elements = textElementsInView(subview) 

      // Add the labels... 
      let subviewLabels = elements["labels"] as! [UILabel] 
      labels.append(contentsOf: subviewLabels) 

      // ...and the text fields... 
      let subviewTextFields = elements["textFields"] as! [UITextField] 
      textFields.append(contentsOf: subviewTextFields) 

      // ...and the text views, to their respective arrays. 
      let subviewTextViews = elements["textViews"] as! [UITextView] 
      textViews.append(contentsOf: subviewTextViews) 


    // Once we're done with all that, set up our elements dictionary and return it. 
    let elements : [String : Array<UIView>] = ["labels" : labels, "textFields" : textFields, "textViews" : textViews] 
    return elements 


// Get the text elements in the given view. 
let textElements = textElementsInView(view) 

// Get the labels from the textElements dictionary. 
let labels = textElements["labels"] as! [UILabel] 

// Apply styles to any label in the labels array, all together. 
for label in labels { 
    label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 24, weight: UIFontWeightBlack) 
    label.textColor = UIColor.black 


- (NSDictionary*)textElementsInView: (UIView*)view { 

    // First, set up mutable arrays for our text element types. 
    NSMutableArray *labels = [NSMutableArray new]; 
    NSMutableArray *textFields = [NSMutableArray new]; 
    NSMutableArray *textViews = [NSMutableArray new]; 

    // And get an array with our subviews. 
    NSArray *subviews = [view subviews]; 

    // Loop through the subviews in the subviews NSArray 
    for(UIView* subview in subviews) { 
     if ([subview classForCoder] == [UILabel class]) { 
      // If the subview is a UILabel, add it to the labels array. 
      [labels addObject:subview]; 
     } else if ([subview classForCoder] == [UITextField class]) { 
      // If the subview is a UITextField, add it to the textFields array. 
      [textFields addObject:subview]; 
     } else if ([subview classForCoder] == [UITextView class]) { 
      // If the subview is a UITextView, add it to the labels array. 
      [textViews addObject:subview]; 
     } else { 
      // Try running through this function for the view if none of the above matched. 
      NSDictionary *subviewTextElements = [self textElementsInView:subview]; 

      // Get any labels in the subview and add them to the labels array. 
      NSArray *subviewLabels = [subviewTextElements objectForKey:@"labels"]; 
      [labels addObjectsFromArray:subviewLabels]; 
      // Do the same for UITextFields... 
      NSArray *subviewTextFields = [subviewTextElements objectForKey:@"textFields"]; 
      [labels addObjectsFromArray:subviewTextFields]; 
      // ...and UITextViews. 
      NSArray *subviewTextViews = [subviewTextElements objectForKey:@"textViews"]; 
      [labels addObjectsFromArray:subviewTextViews]; 

    // After all that's done, create a dictionary and return it. 
    NSDictionary *textElements = @{ 
            @"labels" : labels, 
            @"textFields" : textFields, 
            @"textViews": textViews 
    return textElements; 



objective-Cのバリアントを書いてください、そして、バウンティはあなたのものです:) –


@NikKov Obj-Cメソッドで編集しました。 –



UILabel、UITextFieldなどをサブクラス化し、そのクラスのデフォルトフォントをinitに設定し、Interface Builderでそれぞれのオブジェクトを選択し、必要に応じてサブクラスを設定します。

これは私のこのような状況での私の好みの解決策ではないことを考えれば、私は他の答えのために行った詳細には入りません。しかし、あなたがこの解決策に興味があるなら、スウィフト1日からUILabelのサブクラス化についてhere's a helpful linkについて。それ以来、物事は少し変わったと言いますが、あなた自身がそれを理解することはかなり簡単です。


