私はそれを行うための組み込みの方法はありません。 しかし、自分で実装することは間違いありません。
トランザクションクラスのコンストラクタで、 "この"新しいインスタンスをアクティブなトランザクションリストに追加し、非ゼロタイムアウトが指定されている場合はタイムアウトタイマーを開始し(次に説明するcancelTransaction関数をポイントするイベントリスナーを追加)、最後にネットワークコールを実行します。
ここでは基本的な必要性を持つ基本NetTransactionクラスの内部を取り上げます。私の実装には、トランザクションIDの生成(単純な静的カウンタ、ID番号でアクティブなトランザクションを検索するメソッド、トランザクションのデータオブジェクトのオーバーライド可能なget/setメソッドがあるため、自動ヘッダーラッピング/ NetTransaction(例えばWidgetNetTransaction)から派生するクラスでカスタムデータプロトコルにアンラップ。
static private var active_transactions:Array = new Array(); //active network requests pending a result
static private var transaction_count:int = 0; //incremented each time a NetTransaction instance is created so each one can have a unique transaction id number assigned to it
private var transaction_id:int; //Transaction identifier, which may assist a widget in managing its own concurrent transactions. It comes from a static field, auto-incremented in the NetTransaction constructor, so it is always unique for each NetTransaction within the current session... unless more than 2147483648 transactions occur in a single session and the value wraps around, but by then, old transactions wil be forgotten and there shouldn't be any problems as a result.
private var description:String; //an optional description string to describe the transaction or what it is supposed to do (especially for error-reporting purposes).
private var request_data:Object; //this stores the data that will be forwarded to your web server
private var result_handler:Function; //this is the method to be called after intercepting a result or status event. it's left public, because it's acceptable to modifiy it mid-transaction, although I can't think of a good reason to ever do so
private var internal_responder:Responder; //internal responder attached to the transaction
private var timeout:int;
private var timeout_timer:Timer;
public function NetTransaction(network_service:NetworkService, request_data:Object, result_handler:Function = null, description:String = null, timeout:int = 0)
//Throw something a little more friendly than a null-reference error.
if (network_service == null)
throw new ArgumentError("A NetworkService object must be specified for all NetTransaction objects.");
if (timeout < 0)
throw new ArgumentError("Timeout must be 0 (infinite) or greater to specify the number of milliseconds after which the transaction should be cancelled.\rBe sure to give the transaction enough time to complete normally.");
//Save information related to the transaction
this.result_handler = result_handler;
this.request_data = request_data;
this.internal_responder = new Responder(net_result, net_status); //should use override versions of these methods
this.description = description;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.timeout_timer = null;
//Grab a new transaction id, add the transaction to the list of active transactions, set up a timeout timer, and finally call the service method.
this.transaction_id = transaction_count++;
active_transactions.push(this); //transaction is now registered; this is done BEFORE setting the timeout, and before actually sending it out on the network
if (timeout > 0) //zero, represents an infinite timeout, so we'll only create and start a timer if there is a non-zero timeout specified
timeout_timer = new Timer(timeout, 1);
timeout_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.cancelTransaction, false, 0, true);
network_service.call(internal_responder, request_data);
//Finalizes a transaction by removing it from the active transactions list, and returns true.
//Returns false to indicate that the transaction was already complete, and was not found in the active transactions list.
private function completeTransaction():Boolean
var index:int = active_transactions.indexOf(this);
if (index > -1)
active_transactions.splice(index, 1);
if (timeout_timer != null)
timeout_timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.cancelTransaction, false);
return true;
//Transaction being removed was already completed or was cancelled
return false;
//An instance version of the static NetTransaction.cancelTransaction function, which automatically passes the transaction instance.
public function cancelTransaction(details_status_object:Object = null)
NetTransaction.cancelTransaction(this, details_status_object);
//Cancels all active transactions immediately, forcing all pending transactions to complete immediately with a "NetTransaction.Call.Cancelled" status code.
static public function cancelAllActiveTransactions(details_status_object:Object)
for each (var transaction:NetTransaction in active_transactions)
//Cancels the transaction by spoofing an error result object to the net_status callback.
static public function cancelTransaction(transaction:NetTransaction, details_status_object:Object)
//Build cancel event status object, containing somewhat standard properties [code,level,description,details,type].
var status:NetTransactionResultStatus = new NetTransactionResultStatus(
"error", //cancelling a transaction makes it incomplete, so the status level should be "error"
"A network transaction was cancelled. The description given for the transaction was: " + transaction.description,
details_status_object, //include, in the details, the status object passed to this method
"" //no type specified
//Call the net_status handler directly, passing a dynamic Object-typed version of the NetTransactionResultStatus to the net_status handler.
//Result responder. Override, then call when you're ready to respond to pre-process the object returned to the result_handler.
protected function net_result(result_object:Object):void
if (completeTransaction())
if (result_handler != null)
result_handler.call(null, new NetTransactionResult(this, result_object, null));
//Status responder. Override, then call when you're ready to respond to pre-process the object returned to the result_handler.
protected function net_status(status_object:Object):void
if (completeTransaction())
if (result_handler != null)
result_handler.call(null, new NetTransactionResult(this, null, NetTransactionResultStatus.FromObject(status_object)));
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