2017-11-13 12 views


def DFS_dist_from_node(query_node, parents): 
    """Return dictionary containing distances of parent GO nodes from the query""" 
    result = {} 
    stack = [] 
    stack.append((query_node, 0)) 
    while len(stack) > 0: 
     print("stack=", stack) 
     node, dist = stack.pop() 
     result[node] = dist 
     if node in parents: 
      for parent in parents[node]: 
       # Get the first member of each tuple, see 
       # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12142133/how-to-get-first-element-in-a-list-of-tuples 
       stack_members = [x[0] for x in stack] 
       if parent not in stack_members: 
        stack.append((parent, dist+1)) 
    return result 
def BFS_dist_from_node(query_node, parents): 
    """Return dictionary containing minimum distances of parent GO nodes from the query""" 
    result = {} 
    queue = [] 
    queue.append((query_node, 0)) 
    while queue: 
     print("queue=", queue) 
     node, dist = queue.pop(0) 
     result[node] = dist 
     if node in parents: # If the node *has* parents 
      for parent in parents[node]: 
       # Get the first member of each tuple, see 
       # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12142133/how-to-get-first-element-in-a-list-of-tuples 
       queue_members = [x[0] for x in queue] 
       if parent not in result and parent not in queue_members: # Don't visit a second time 
        queue.append((parent, dist+1)) 
    return result 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
    parents = dict() 
    parents = {'N1': ['N2', 'N3', 'N4'], 'N3': ['N6', 'N7'], 'N4': ['N3'], 'N5': ['N4', 'N8'], 'N6': ['N13'], 
       'N8': ['N9'], 'N9': ['N11'], 'N10': ['N7', 'N9'], 'N11': ['N14'], 'N12': ['N5']} 

    print("Depth-first search:") 
    dist = DFS_dist_from_node('N1', parents) 
    print("Breadth-first search:") 
    dist = BFS_dist_from_node('N1', parents) 



スクリプトの実行中にユーザー入力を行うには、input()raw_input()を調べます。スクリプトは、コマンドライン引数としてつまり開始する前に、ユーザーがコマンドライン引数として渡すしたい場合は、 `argparse`でsys.argv()argparse



... –


はい、合意しました。 答えを更新します! – Anuj
