私はWeb開発に全く新しいので、それを心に留めてください。私は2つの質問をしました。 Nr1。検索バーの値から、その値を表すサイトのセクションまでスムーズにスクロールできますか?私はテストしましたスムーススクロールバーの入力を検索し、式の文字を除外する場合の値を比較した場合
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<h1 class="hide">Avenged Sevenfold lyrics</h1>
<header><h1>We have one collective hope: The Earth</h1><img src="../bilder/avenged_sevenfold___logo__1__png__deathbat_by_lightsinaugust-d5klaeb.png" alt="Avenged Sevenfolds logo"></header>
<p>Album Search</p>
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<input id="search" type="text" name="text" placeholder="Album name">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="ram" id="Stage">
<summary>Click here to make a song selection!</summary>
<li>The Stage</li>
<li>Sunny Disposition</li>
<li>God Damn</li>
<li>Creating God</li>
<li>Roman Sky</li>
<li>Fermi Paradox</li>
<img src="../bilder/The-Stage-Album-Cover-sept8_CMYK.jpg" alt="The Stage album">
<div class="ram" id="Hail">
<summary>Click here to make a song selection!</summary>
<li>Shepherd of Fire</li>
<li>Hail to the King</li>
<li>Doing Time</li>
<li>This Means War</li>
<li>Crimson Day</li>
<li>Coming Home</li>
<li>Acid Rain</li>
<li>St. James</li>
<img src="../bilder/Hail-To-The-King.jpg" alt="Hail To The King Album">
<div class="ram" id="Nightmare">
<summary>Click here to make a song selection!</summary>
<li>Welcome to the Family</li>
<li>Danger Line</li>
<li>Buried Alive</li>
<li>Natural Born Killer</li>
<li>So Far Away</li>
<li>God Hates Us</li>
<li>Tonight the World Dies</li>
<li>Save Me</li>
<li>Lost It All</li>
<img src="../bilder/Nightmare.jpg" alt="Nightmare Album">
<div class="ram" id="Self">
<summary>Click here to make a song selection!</summary>
<li>Critical Acclaim</li>
<li>Almost Easy</li>
<li>Unbound (The Wild Ride)</li>
<li>Brompton Cocktail</li>
<li>A Little Piece of Heaven</li>
<li>Dear God</li>
<img src="../bilder/Avenged-Sevenfold.jpg" alt="Avenged Sevenfold Album">
<div class="ram" id="City">
<summary>Click here to make a song selection!</summary>
<li>Beast and the Harlot</li>
<li>Burn It Down</li>
<li>Blinded in Chains</li>
<li>Bat Country</li>
<li>Trashed and Scattered</li>
<li>Seize the Day</li>
<li>The Wicked End</li>
<li>Strength of the World</li>
<img src="../bilder/City-Of-Evil.jpg" alt="City of Evil Album">
<div class="ram" id="Waking">
<summary>Click here to make a song selection!</summary>
<li>Waking the Fallen</li>
<li>Unholy Confessions</li>
<li>Chapter Four</li>
<li>Desecrate Through Reverence</li>
<li>Eternal Rest</li>
<li>Second Heartbeat</li>
<li>Radiant Eclipse</li>
<li>I Won't See You Tonight (Part 1)</li>
<li>I Won't See You Tonight (Part 2)</li>
<li>Clairvoyant Disease</li>
<li>And All Things Will End</li>
<img src="../bilder/Waking-The-Fallen.jpg" alt="Waking the Fallen Album">
<div class="ram" id="Sound">
<summary>Click here to make a song selection!</summary>
<li>To End the Rapture</li>
<li>Turn the Other Way</li>
<li>Darkness Surrounding</li>
<li>The Art of Subconscious Illusion</li>
<li>We Come Out at Night</li>
<li>Lips of Deceit</li>
<li>Warmness on the Soul</li>
<li>An Epic of Time Wasted</li>
<li>Breaking Their Hold</li>
<li>Forgotten Faces</li>
<li>Thick and Thin</li>
<li>Shattered by Broken Dreams</li>
<img src="../bilder/Sounding-The-Seventh-Trumpet.jpg" alt="Sounding the Seventh Trumpet Album">
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function sendToPage(){
var input = document.getElementById("search").value;
case "nightmare":
case "the stage":
case "self":
case "city":
case "waking":
case "sound":
alert("No matching albums, try again!");
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偉大な答えの男!私の2番目の質問についての良いアイデア? :) – Adam