2016-11-22 9 views

私は冬眠するのが初めてです。私はDBとしてポストグルを使用しています。ジェネリックを使ったHibernate +カスタムユーザタイプ





class MyCustomType<T> implements UserType 


@Table(name = "user") 
@TypeDefs({ @TypeDef(name = "MyCustomType", typeClass = MyCustomType<Metadata>.class) }) 
public class User extends BaseEntity implements Serializable 

    @Column(name = "id") 
    private int id; 

    @Column(name = "metadata") 
    @Type(type = "MyCustomeType") 
    private Metadata metadata; 




public class MyCustomType<T> implements UserType 
    protected static Conversion conversion = new JsonDataConversionImpl(); 
    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(MyCustomType.class.getCanonicalName()); 

    private Class<T> genericType = (Class<T>) GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArgument(getClass(), MyCustomType.class); 

    * Reconstruct an object from the cacheable representation. At the very least this method should 
    * perform a deep copy if the type is mutable. (optional operation) 
    * @param cached 
    *   the object to be cached 
    * @param owner 
    *   the owner of the cached object 
    * @return a reconstructed object from the cachable representation 
    * @throws HibernateException 
    public Object assemble(Serializable cached, Object owner) throws HibernateException 
     return this.deepCopy(cached); 

    * Return a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and st collections. It is 
    * not necessary to copy immutable objects, or null values, in which case it is safe to simple 
    * return the argument. 
    * @param value 
    *   the object to be cloned, which may be null 
    * @return object a copy 
    * @throws HibernateException 
    public Object deepCopy(Object value) throws HibernateException 
     return value; 

    * Transform the object into its cacheable representation. At the very least this method should 
    * perform a deep copy if the type is mutable. That may not be enough for some implementations, 
    * however; for example, associations must be cached as identifier values. (optional operation) 
    * @param value 
    *   the object to be cached 
    * @return a cachable representation of the object 
    * @throws HibernateException 
    public Serializable disassemble(Object value) throws HibernateException 
     return (String) this.deepCopy(value); 

    * Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality". Equality 
    * of the persistence state. 
    * @param x 
    * @param y 
    * @return boolean 
    * @throws HibernateException 
    public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) throws HibernateException 

     if (x == null) 
      return y == null; 
     return x.equals(y); 

    * Get a hashcode for the instance, consistent with persistence "equality". 
    public int hashCode(Object x) throws HibernateException 
     return x.hashCode(); 

    * Are objects of this type mutable? 
    * @return boolean 
    public boolean isMutable() 
     return true; 

    * Retrieve an instance of the mapped class from a JDBC resultset. Implementors should handle 
    * possibility of null values. 
    * @param rs 
    *   a JDBC result set 
    * @param names 
    *   the column names 
    * @param session 
    * @param owner 
    *   the containing entity 
    * @return 
    * @throws HibernateException 
    * @throws SQLException 
    public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, SessionImplementor session, Object owner) throws HibernateException, SQLException 
     T t = null; 

      if (rs.getString(names[0]) != null) 
       t = conversion.getObject(rs.getString(names[0]), genericType); 
     catch (MyException e) 
      logger.error("Error while reading data type", e); 

     return t; 

    * Write an instance of the mapped class to a prepared statement. Implementors should handle 
    * possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from 
    * <tt>index</tt> 
    * @param st 
    *   a JDBC prepared statement 
    * @param value 
    *   the object to write 
    * @param index 
    *   statement parameter index 
    * @param session 
    * @throws HibernateException 
    * @throws SQLException 
    public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException, SQLException 

     if (value == null) 
      st.setNull(index, Types.OTHER); 

     st.setObject(index, value, Types.OTHER); 

    * During merge, replace the existing (target) values in the entity we are merging to with a new 
    * (original) value from the detched entity we are merging. For immutable objects, or null 
    * values, it is safe to return a copy of the first parameter. For the objects with component 
    * values, it might make sense to recursively replace component values 
    * @param original 
    *   the value from the detched entity being merged 
    * @param target 
    *   the value in the managed entity 
    * @param owner 
    * @return the value to be merged 
    * @throws HibernateException 
    public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object owner) throws HibernateException 
     return original; 

    * The class returned by <tt>nullSafeGet()</tt> 
    * @return Class 
    public Class returnedClass() 
     return String.class; 

    * Returns the SQL type codes for the columns mapped by this type. The codes are defined on 
    * <tt>java.sql.Types</tt> 
    * @return int[] the typecodes 
    * @see java.sql.Types 
    public int[] sqlTypes() 
     return new int[] { Types.JAVA_OBJECT }; 



@Type(type = "package.MyCustomType")




あなた UserType
@Type(type = "package.MyCustomType", 
     parameters = { @Parameter(
          name = "class", value = "package.Metadata.class") }) 



:クラス= package.Metadata.class



しかし、タイプがMyCustomType で、何か他のものではないことを休止状態にする方法はありますか? – iwekesi


あなたがこの情報を探しているのを見ていませんでした。私は私の答えを更新しています – Thierry


まずは迅速な対応に感謝します。また、可能であれば、私があなたが知っているいくつかの実例を指摘することができますか? – iwekesi
