2017-06-09 11 views





Sub Main 
' Command is called "<Volume>" and that list includes: mute Mike, mute the Mike, show the volume, show volume, toggle the volume, toggle volume, volume, volume down, volume down three, volume down two, volume loud, volume mute, volume off, volume up, volume up loud, volume up three, volume up two. 

x = ListVar1 
If InStr(x," the ") Then x = Mid$(x, 1, InStr(x," the ")) + Mid$(x, InStr(x," the ")+5) 
If x = "mute Mike" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk mutemic", 6 
If x = "show volume" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk showvol", 6 
If x = "toggle volume" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk togglevol", 6 

x = Mid$(ListVar1, 8) 
If x = "down" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 1", 6 
If x = "down three" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 3", 6 
If x = "down two" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 2", 6 
If x = "loud" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 6", 6 
If x = "mute" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 6", 6 
If x = "off" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 6", 6 
If x = "up" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 1", 6 
If x = "up loud" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 6", 6 
If x = "up three" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 3", 6 
If x = "up two" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 2", 6 
End Sub 

を私のAHKスクリプトは、サブルーチンとVA.AHKへの参照(VAを含みv2.2 at http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/21984-/)。

