2017-06-01 7 views


from linked_list import * 
from huffman_bits_io import HuffmanBitsWriter as writer, HuffmanBitsReader as reader 
import unittest 

class Leaf: 
    '''class that implements Leaf''' 
    def __init__(self, parent, value, code, frequency): 
     self.parent = parent 
     self.frequency = frequency 
     self.value = value 
     self.code = code 
    def __eq__(self, other): 
     return type(other) == Leaf and self.parent == other.parent and self.frequency ==other.frequency and self.value==other.value and self.code==other.code 
    def __repr__(self): 
     return "[ {}, frequency = {} ]".format(self.code, self.frequency) 

class Node: 
    '''class that implements Node''' 

    def __init__(self, parent, code, lchild, rchild, frequency): 
     self.parent = parent 
     self.code = code 
     self.frequency = frequency 
     self.lchild = lchild 
     self.rchild = rchild 
    def __eq__(self, other): 
     return type(other) == Node and self.parent==other.parent and self.code == other.code and self.frequency == other.frequency and self.lchild == other.lchild and self.rchild == other.rchild 
    def __repr__(self): 
     return "{}, freq = {}\n\left = {}\n\right = {}".format(self.code, self.frequency, self.lchild.___repr__(), self.rchild.__repr__()) 

def strip(string, seq): 
    '''this function cuts sequence from beginning of string if possible and returns result ''' 
    if len(seq) > len(string): 
     return string 
    for i in range(len(seq)): 
     if seq[i] != string[i]: 
      return string 
     return string[len(seq):] 

def find(lst, item): 
    '''this function finds index of first occurrence of given element in the list and returns it or raise error if there is no such element''' 
    for i in range(lst.length): 
     if get(lst, i).value[0] == item: 
      return i 
     raise ValueError 

def string_traverse(node): 
    '''this function returns string representation of tree in pre-order traversal''' 
    lst = empty_list() 
    traverse(node, lst) #calls traverse 
    result_string = '' 
    for i in range(lst.length): #accumulate string from lst list 
     result_string += chr(get(lst, i).value) 
    return result_string 

def traverse(node, code): 
    '''this function traverse the try and return list of leaf's value(helper for string_traverse)''' 
    if type(node) == Leaf: 
     code = add(code, node.value, code.length) #if node is Leaf than terminate recursion and return character 
     traverse(node.lchild, code) #recursive call 
     traverse(node.rchild, code) #recursive call 

def count_occurrences(file_name): 
    '''this function returns list that represent occurrence of every character of given string''' 
    with open(file_name) as file: #reads file 
     data = file.read() 
    lst = list() 
    for i in range(len(data)): #creates list of integer representation of string 
    data = lst 
    lst = empty_list() 
    for char in data: #this loop calculates occurrences of characters in the string 
      index = find(lst, char) 
      lst = set(lst, index, (char, get(lst, index).value[1] + 1)) 
     except ValueError: 
      lst = add(lst, (char, 1), 0) 
    lst = sort(lst, lambda x: x.value[1], False) #sorts occurrences 
    return lst 

def comes_before(el1, el2): 
    '''this function returns True if el1 leaf should come before el2 leaf in Huffman tree meaning''' 
    if el1[1] < el2[1] or (el1[1] == el2[1] and type(el1[0]) is int and type(el2[0]) is int and el1[0] < el2[0]): 
     return True 
     return False 

def build_tree(occurrences): 
    '''this function returns Huffman tree based on given list of occurrences''' 
    if occurrences.length == 1: #if we have only one character returns Leaf with this character and code '0' 
     return Leaf(None, get(occurrences, 0).value[0], '0', get(occurrences, 0).value[1]) 
    while occurrences.length != 1: #algorith described in the task 
     el1, occurrences = remove(occurrences, 0) 
     el2, occurrences = remove(occurrences, 0) 
     el1, el2 = el1.value, el2.value 
     if not comes_before(el1, el2): #finds order of elements in the tree 
      el1, el2 = el2, el1 
     new = Node(None, '', None, None, el1[1] + el2[1]) #creates new node 
     if type(el1[0]) is Node: 
      el1[0].code = '0' #sets up code for node 
      el1[0].parent = new 
      new.lchild = el1[0] 
      new.lchild = Leaf(new, el1[0], '0', el1[1]) #if el1 is character not Node we will create leaf for that character 
     if type(el2[0]) is Node: 
      el2[0].code = '1' #sets up code for node 
      el2[0].parent = new 
      new.rchild = el2[0] 
      new.rchild = Leaf(new, el2[0], '1', el2[1]) #if el2 is character not Node we will create leaf for that character 
     occurrences = insert_sorted(occurrences, (new, new.frequency), comes_before) #inserts new node 
    return get(occurrences, 0).value[0] 

def collect_code(node, code = ''): 
    '''this function traverse Huffman tree and collect code for each leaf and returns them as nested list(helper for create_code)''' 
    if type(node) == Leaf: 
     lst = empty_list() 
     return add(lst, (node.value, code + node.code), 0) #if node is Leaf terminates recursion and returns code for the leaf 
     lst = empty_list() 
     lst = add(lst, collect_code(node.lchild, code + node.code), 0) #recursive call 
     lst = add(lst, collect_code(node.rchild, code + node.code), 0) #recursive call 
     return lst 

def create_code(tree): 
    '''this function unpack result of calling collect_code and return Huffman code as a list of tuples''' 
    code = collect_code(tree) #calls collect code 
    i = 0 
    while i < code.length: #this loop unpacks list 
     if type(get(code, i).value) is not tuple: 
      item, code = remove(code, i) 
      for j in range(item.value.length): 
       code = add(code, get(item.value, j).value, i) 
     i += 1 
    return code 

def huffman_encode(input_file, output_file): 
    '''task describe this function''' 
    occurrences = count_occurrences(input_file) 
    tree = build_tree(occurrences) 
    string = empty_list() 
    t = traverse(tree, string) 
    code = create_code(tree) 
    with open(input_file) as file: 
     string = file.read() 
    result_string = '' 
    for i in range(len(string)): #this loop encodes string using code produced by create_code function 
     for j in range(code.length): 
      temp = get(code, j).value 
      if string[i] == chr(temp[0]): 
       result_string += temp[1] 
    for i in range(occurrences.length): 
     temp = get(occurrences, i).value 
     occurrences = set(occurrences, i, (chr(temp[0]), temp[1])) 
    occurrences = sort(occurrences, lambda x: x.value[0], False) 
    file = writer(output_file) 
    for i in range(occurrences.length): 
     temp = get(occurrences, i).value 
    return string_traverse(tree) 

def huffman_decode(input_file, output_file): 
    '''task describe this function''' 
    file = reader(input_file) 
    number_of_codes = file.read_int() 
    occurrences = empty_list() 
    for i in range(number_of_codes): 
     char = file.read_byte() 
     number = file.read_int() 
     occurrences = add(occurrences, (char, number), 0) 
    occurrences = sort(occurrences, lambda x: x.value[1], False) 
    tree = build_tree(occurrences) 
    code = sort(create_code(tree), lambda x: x.value[0], False) 
    occurrences = sort(occurrences, lambda x: x.value[0], False) 
    quantity_of_bits = 0 
    for i in range(code.length): 
     quantity_of_bits += get(occurrences, i).value[1]*len(get(code, i).value[1]) 
    occurrences = sort(occurrences, lambda x: x.value[1], False) 
    bit_string = '' 
    for i in range(quantity_of_bits): 
     bit_string = bit_string + ('1' if file.read_bit() else '0') 
    result_string = '' 
    while bit_string: #this loop decodes string using code produced by create_code function 
     for j in range(code.length): 
      temp = get(code, j).value 
      stripped = strip(bit_string, temp[1]) 
      if len(stripped) < len(bit_string): 
       result_string += chr(temp[0]) 
       bit_string = stripped 
     with open(output_file, 'w') as file: 

class Test(unittest.TestCase): 

    def test_strip1(self): 
     self.assertEqual(strip('123456', '123'), '456') 

    def test_strip2(self): 
     self.assertEqual(strip('123', '4567'), '123') 

    def test_strip3(self): 
     self.assertEqual(strip('123', '456'), '123') 

    def test_find(self): 
     lst = empty_list() 
     lst = add(lst, (1, 'b'), 0) 
     lst = add(lst, (2, 'a'), 1) 
     self.assertEqual(find(lst, 2), 1) 

    def test_find_raise(self): 
     lst = empty_list() 
     lst = add(lst, (1, 'b'), 0) 
     lst = add(lst, (2, 'a'), 1) 
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, find, lst, 5) 

    def test_occurrences(self): 
     lst = empty_list() 
     lst = add(lst, (97, 5), 0) 
     lst = add(lst, (98, 3), 0) 
     lst = add(lst , (99, 7), 2) 
     self.assertEqual(str(count_occurrences(r'test2.txt')), str(lst)) 

    def test_create_code_and_tree_build(self): 
     occurrences = count_occurrences(r'test2.txt') 
     tree = build_tree(occurrences) 
     code = create_code(tree) 
     code = sort(code, lambda x: x.value[0], False) 
     self.assertEqual(str(code), "[(97, '11'), (98, '10'), (99, '0')]") 

    def test_huffman_encode_decode(self): 
     string = huffman_encode(r'test1.txt', r'test_out.txt') 
     huffman_decode(r'test_out.txt', r'test_decode.txt') 
     self.assertEqual(string, 'a') 
     with open(r'test1.txt') as file1: 
      with open(r'test_decode.txt') as file2: 
       self.assertEqual(file1.read(), file2.read()) 

    def test_huffman_encode_decode3(self): 
     string = huffman_encode(r'test2.txt', r'test2_out.txt') 
     huffman_decode(r'test2_out.txt', r'test2_decode.txt') 
     self.assertEqual(string, 'cba') 
     with open(r'test2.txt') as file1: 
      with open(r'test2_decode.txt') as file2: 
       self.assertEqual(file1.read(), file2.read()) 

    def test_huffman_encode_decode2(self): 
     string = huffman_encode(r'test3.txt', r'test3_out.txt') 
     huffman_decode(r'test3_out.txt', r'test3_decode.txt') 
     self.assertEqual(string, 'edcba') 
     with open(r'test3.txt') as file1: 
      with open(r'test3_decode.txt') as file2: 
       self.assertEqual(file1.read(), file2.read()) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

そして次はエラーです: - - :ここでは、コードです

Warning (from warnings module): 
    File "C:\Users\Vikas\Documents\fwdregardingprojectdevelopment\huffman.py", line 212 
    with open(output_file, 'w') as file: 
ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name='test_out.txt'> 
Warning (from warnings module): 
    File "C:\Users\Vikas\Documents\fwdregardingprojectdevelopment\huffman.py", line 212 
    with open(output_file, 'w') as file: 
ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name='test3_out.txt'> 
Warning (from warnings module): 
    File "C:\Users\Vikas\Documents\fwdregardingprojectdevelopment\huffman.py", line 212 
    with open(output_file, 'w') as file: 
ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name='test2_out.txt'> 
Ran 10 tests in 0.272s 





を、私は100%わからないんだけど、私は、その行では、まずファイルを閉じずに 'file'(以前は入力ファイルを保持していたもの)に新しいものを割り当てることが問題だと思います。 'while'ループの前に' file.close() 'で修正するのでしょうか? (私は 'file'がファイルのようなオブジェクトを保持していると仮定しています) – smarx


Perfect @smarx ...ありがとう。あなたが言ったようにして、whileループの前にfile.close()を入れて、エラーなしで実行します。ありがとうございます.. :) –



に感謝を開いて、それが開かれ、それを閉じている 検索閉じられていない「OUT_FILE」:


私は 'out_file'のコードには何も言及していません。私は何が欠けていますか? – smarx


[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21057942/python-unclosed-resource-is-it-safe-to-delete-the-file] –