2017-08-27 11 views

z-index 130(#imgth_2)の項目の下にz-index 410(#imgth_1)の項目が表示されるのはなぜですか?どのように見えますか: 例はhttps://typejoy.biz/dev/cssBasicNav33/en/mandalaNav#imgth_1z-indexが機能しない


z-index 100 .leavesCont 
z-index 105 .large leave one 
z-index 110 .pItemWrap 

z-index 130 a.aThumbCl img 
z-index 140 a.aThumbCl img span 
z-index 150 a.aThumbCl 
z-index 300 div.stendOverLay 
z-index 310 div.stendOverLayWrapIn 
z-index 410 div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn img 
z-index 450 div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn div.stendClose 

* { 
     box-sizing: border-box; 
    span.leavesCont { 
     display: block; 
     height: 20em; 
     left: calc(50% - 10em); 
     position: absolute; 
     top: calc(50% - 10em); 
     width: 20em; 
    .leave { 
     border-top: 0.1em solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); 
     height: 12.5em; 
     position: absolute; 
     width: 6.5em; 
     /*overflow: hidden;*/ 
     border-radius: 50%; 
     box-shadow: 0 1em 2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); 
     left: calc(50% - 6.25em); 
     top: calc(50% - 12.5em); 
     transform-origin: 50% 12.5em; 
    .one { 
     background: rgba(16, 63, 236, 0.75); 
     transform: rotateZ(225deg); 
    .two { 
     background: rgba(37, 172, 162, 0.75); 
     transform: rotateZ(180deg); 

     div.pItemWrap { 
      position : relative; 
     /* better float left */ 
     div.pItemWrap div.navTWrap { 
      display: flex; flex-direction:row; flex-wrap: wrap; 
      align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; 
     div.pItemWrap div.stendOverLay { 
      position : absolute; 
      width:100vw !important; height:100vh !important; 
      left:0px; top:0px; 
      background : blue; 
     div.stendOverLayWrapIn { 
      position : relative; 
     div.pItemWrap div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn img { 
      position : absolute; 
      left:50px; top:50px; 
      width:700px; height:700px; 
     div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn a.stendClose { 
      position : absolute; 
      left:250px; top:250px; 
     div.pItemWrap div.stendOverLay:target { display: block; width:auto; height:auto; } 

     #imgth_1:target { transform: rotateZ(-225deg); } 
     #imgth_2:target { transform: rotateZ(-180deg); } 

     div.pItemWrap div.stendOverLay { 
      display: none; 
    .leavesCont { z-index : 100 } 
    .large.leave { z-index : 105 } 
    .pItemWrap { z-index : 110 } 
    a.aThumbCl img { z-index : 130 } 
    a.aThumbCl img span { z-index : 140 } 
    a.aThumbCl { z-index : 150 } 
    div.stendOverLay { z-index : 300 } 
    div.stendOverLayWrapIn { z-index : 310 } 
    div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn img { z-index : 410 } 
    div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn a.stendClose { z-index : 450 }
<span class="leavesCont"> 
     <div class="large leave one" id="large-leave-one"> 
      <div class="pItemWrap" > 
       <!-- simle a with text <a href="#imgth_1" class="aThumbCl" >4</a> --> 
       <a href="#imgth_1" class="aThumbCl" >  
       <img src="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?>" alt="image 1" > 
        <span class="thumbTitle" id="thumbTitle_4" >Title image-1</span> 
       <div class="stendOverLay lb-overlay" id="imgth_1"> 
        <div class="stendOverLayWrapIn" > 
         <div class="test" > TEST </div> 
         <img class="m100n50" 
         sizes="(max-width: <?php echo $vdArr["$mediaWidth_2t"]; ?>) 50vw, 25vw" 
         srcset="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?> 200w, 
         <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_560_30.jpg"; ?> 400w, 
         <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_900_30.jpg"; ?> 600w " 
         /><!-- img of large window --> 
          <!-- clicking ny anchor the clost he large window and any other effect from anchors. In radios - only if the same name. In checkboxes - does not affect - you have to clikck the same checkbox --> 
          <a href="#page" class="stendClose lb-close">x Close</a> 
     <div class="large leave two"> 
     <div class="pItemWrap" > 
       <!-- simle a with text <a href="#imgth_2" class="aThumbCl" >4</a> --> 
       <a href="#imgth_2" class="aThumbCl" >  
       <img src="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?>" alt="image 2" > 
        <span class="thumbTitle" id="thumbTitle_2" >Title image-2</span> 
       <div class="stendOverLay lb-overlay" id="imgth_2"> 
        <div class="stendOverLayWrapIn" > 
         <div class="test" > TEST </div> 
         <img class="m100n50" 
         sizes="(max-width: <?php echo $vdArr["$mediaWidth_2t"]; ?>) 50vw, 25vw" 
         srcset="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?> 200w, 
         <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_560_30.jpg"; ?> 400w, 
         <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_900_30.jpg"; ?> 600w " 
         /><!-- img of large window --> 
          <!-- clicking ny anchor the clost he large window and any other effect from anchors. In radios - only if the same name. In checkboxes - does not affect - you have to clikck the same checkbox --> 
          <a href="#page" class="stendClose lb-close">x Close</a> 


a.aThumbClのIMGスパンは、スパンは、このようなスパンを読み取ることができないとして、a.aThumbCl代わりにスパンまたはa.aThumbClを使用することを検討してIMGの子の代わりに、兄弟関係であると仮定しimg> span(私のシステムでは確認できません) – adeguk


これは、z-indexの問題よりも、マークアップのネストと関連があると思います。同じネストレベルを考えると、Z-indexはIMOの役割を果たします。 – 82Tuskers



理由葉一つ休暇中のこのように大きな画像は他の休暇を重複しないことができ、それらの内部大きい画像に比べ別のコンテキストであったことでした。 https://philipwalton.com/articles/what-no-one-told-you-about-z-index/









* { 
    box-sizing: border-box; 

span.leavesCont { 
    display: block; 
    height: 20em; 
    left: calc(50% - 10em); 
    position: absolute; 
    top: calc(50% - 10em); 
    width: 20em; 

.leave { 
    border-top: 0.1em solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); 
    height: 12.5em; 
    position: absolute; 
    width: 6.5em; 
    /*overflow: hidden;*/ 

    border-radius: 50%; 
    box-shadow: 0 1em 2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); 
    left: calc(50% - 6.25em); 
    top: calc(50% - 12.5em); 
    transform-origin: 50% 12.5em; 

.one { 
    background: rgba(16, 63, 236, 0.75); 
    transform: rotateZ(225deg); 

.two { 
    background: rgba(37, 172, 162, 0.75); 
    transform: rotateZ(180deg); 

/* Navigation */ 
    a.aThumbCl, a.aThumbCl img { 
     display : block; 
     width : 250px; height: 250px; 

    div.pItemWrap { 
     position : relative; 

    /* better float left */ 
    div.pItemWrap div.navTWrap { 
     display: flex; flex-direction:row; flex-wrap: wrap; 
     align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; 

    /* div.pItemWrap */ 
    div.stendOverLay { 
     position : absolute; 
     width:100vw !important; height:100vh !important; 
     left:0px; top:0px; 
     background : blue; 

    div.stendOverLayWrapIn { 
     position : relative; 

    /*div.pItemWrap */ 
    div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn img { 
     position : absolute; 
     left:50px; top:50px; 
     width:700px; height:700px; 
    /*div.stendOverLay */ 
    div.stendOverLayWrapIn a.stendClose { 
     position : absolute; 
     left:250px; top:250px; 

    /* div.pItemWrap */ 
    div.stendOverLay:target { display: block; width:auto; height:auto; } 

    #imgth_1:target #large-leave-two { z-index: -100; border: 1px solid red; } 
    #imgth_2:target #large-leave-one { z-index: -100; border: 1px solid red; } 

    div.stendOverLay { 
     display: none; 

.leavesCont { z-index : 100 } 
.large.leave { z-index : 105 } 
.pItemWrap { z-index : 110 } 
a.aThumbCl img { z-index : 130 } 
a.aThumbCl img span { z-index : 140 } 
a.aThumbCl { z-index : 150 } 
div.stendOverLay { z-index : 300 } 
div.stendOverLayWrapIn { z-index : 310 } 
div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn img { z-index : 410 } 
div.stendOverLay div.stendOverLayWrapIn a.stendClose { z-index : 450 } 


<span class="leavesCont"> 

      <a href="#imgth_1" class="aThumbCl large leave one" >  
      <img src="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?>" alt="image 1" > 
       <span class="thumbTitle" id="thumbTitle_4" >Title image-1</span> 

      <div class="stendOverLay lb-overlay" id="imgth_1"> 
       <div class="stendOverLayWrapIn" > 
        <div class="test" > TEST </div> 
        <img class="m100n50" 
        sizes="(max-width: <?php echo $vdArr["$mediaWidth_2t"]; ?>) 50vw, 25vw" 
        srcset="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?> 200w, 
        <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_560_30.jpg"; ?> 400w, 
        <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_900_30.jpg"; ?> 600w " 
        /><!-- img of large window --> 

         <a href="#page" class="stendClose lb-close">x Close</a> 


      <!-- simle a with text <a href="#imgth_2" class="aThumbCl" >4</a> --> 
      <a href="#imgth_2" class="aThumbCl large leave two" >  
      <img src="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?>" alt="image 2" > 
       <span class="thumbTitle" id="thumbTitle_2" >Title image-2</span> 

      <div class="stendOverLay lb-overlay" id="imgth_2"> 
       <div class="stendOverLayWrapIn" > 
        <div class="test" > TEST </div> 
        <img class="m100n50" 
        sizes="(max-width: <?php echo $vdArr["$mediaWidth_2t"]; ?>) 50vw, 25vw" 
        srcset="<?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_300_30_c1_.jpg"; ?> 200w, 
        <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_560_30.jpg"; ?> 400w, 
        <?php echo BASE_PUBLIC_IMG . "aboutMe/redphp/dreamstime_xxl_88755164_900_30.jpg"; ?> 600w " 
        /><!-- img of large window --> 

         <a href="#page" class="stendClose lb-close">x Close</a> 

