firebaseのクラウド機能用のローカルテスト環境をセットアップしようとしています。しかし私は、私のHTTP機能の1つに偽の呼び出しをしようとすると問題に遭遇します。CORSによるfirebase HTTPSコールのテスト
私のエラーの理由は、CORS(npm)を使用しているようです。私がcorsを削除し、response.status(200)だけで以下に示す関数 "test"を実行すると、すべてが動作します。しかし、cors(req、res)でラップすると、私のテストはTypeErrorで失敗します:未定義のプロパティ 'origin'を読み取ることができません。
私はここで間違っていますか? index.jsで
- 私のtest.jsで>
exports.test = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
cors(request, response,() => {
response.send("test ok");
describe('Cloud Functions',() => {
// [START stubConfig]
var myFunctions, configStub, adminInitStub, functions, admin, cors;
before(() => {
// Since index.js makes calls to functions.config and admin.initializeApp at the top of the file,
// we need to stub both of these functions before requiring index.js. This is because the
// functions will be executed as a part of the require process.
// Here we stub admin.initializeApp to be a dummy function that doesn't do anything.
admin = require('firebase-admin');
cors = require('cors')({
origin: true
adminInitStub = sinon.stub(admin, 'initializeApp');
// Next we stub functions.config(). Normally config values are loaded from Cloud Runtime Config;
// here we'll just provide some fake values for firebase.databaseURL and firebase.storageBucket
// so that an error is not thrown during admin.initializeApp's parameter check
functions = require('firebase-functions');
configStub = sinon.stub(functions, 'config').returns({
firebase: {
databaseURL: '',
storageBucket: '',
// You can stub any other config values needed by your functions here, for example:
// foo: 'bar'
// Now we can require index.js and save the exports inside a namespace called myFunctions.
// This includes our cloud functions, which can now be accessed at myFunctions.makeUppercase
// and myFunctions.addMessage
myFunctions = require('../index');
after(() => {
// Restoring our stubs to the original methods.
// [END stubConfig]
describe('test',() => {
it('should return status code 200', (done) => {
// [START invokeHTTPS]
// A fake request object, with req.query.text set to 'input'
const req = {};
// A fake response object, with a stubbed redirect function which asserts that it is called
// with parameters 303, 'new_ref'.
const res = {
status: (status) => {
assert.equal(status, 200);
// Invoke addMessage with our fake request and response objects. This will cause the
// assertions in the response object to be evaluated.
myFunctions.test(req, res);
// [END invokeHTTPS]