とする必要があります。すべての「中間状態」を表示します。 manページから
-D, --duplicates
If Slurm job ids are reset, some job numbers will probably appear more than once in the accounting log file but refer to different jobs. Such
jobs can be distinguished by the "submit" time stamp in the data records.
When data for specific jobs are requested with the --jobs option, sacct returns the most recent job with that number. This behavior can be
overridden by specifying --duplicates, in which case all records that match the selection criteria will be returned.
それで 'sacct --allusers --state = PREEMPTED --starttime = 2016-01-01 --duplicates'コマンドの結果が空の場合、これはこのクラスタで先取りされたジョブがないことを意味します今年はいつでも? – Evan