ins books
ins table
prl // to print list
del v1 v5 //to delete nodes with count values that fall between 1 and 5
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct node
char *symbol;// each Node contains a array 'symbol'
int count; // each Node contains a symbol counter
struct node *next;
};// end struct
void insert(struct node**,struct node **, char *str);
void printL(struct node *);
int main()
struct node *head;
struct node *tail;
head = NULL;
tail = NULL;
//Declare variables needed for input and output
char input[15]={0};
char cmd [4]={0};
char info[11] = {0};
int *val={0};
//possible command strings
char ins[]= "ins";
char prl[]= "prl";
char end[]= "end";
// Prompt user for command and corresponding input
puts("Please enter a command with corresponding value(s) where necessary");
scanf("%s%s%s", cmd,info, val);
//While command is not 'end':
while (strcmp(end,cmd) != 0){
// Read value(s) for the command, in necessary
if (strcmp(ins,cmd)==0)
insert(&head, &tail, info);
if (strcmp(prl, cmd)==0)
puts("Please enter your next command and value where necessary:");
scanf("%s%s%s", cmd,info, val);
return 0;
void insert(struct node **h, struct node **t, char * str)
struct node *temp;
if ((temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)))==NULL)
printf("Memory allocation or node failed.\n");
temp->count= 1;
if(*h == NULL)
(*t)->next = temp;
*t = (*t)->next;
void printL(struct node *h)
// NodePtr hPtr = NULL;
if(h == NULL){
puts("The list is empty");
while(h != NULL){
printf("%s", h->symbol);
printf("\t %d", h->count);
h= h->next;
'val'が割り当てられていない' int'ポインタ、まだあなたはそれにscanf'いくつかの文字列 'しようとしています... –