2016-05-05 7 views

同様の条件であるHandling different datatypes in a single structure 私はunionを使用して実装していますが、メモリのサイズとして最も高い変数型を使用するため、64ビット8ビットの可変型の場合。また、特定のデータ型の値を取得/設定するための関数をいくつか記述していました。C++のテンプレートを使用して異なるデータ型の値を取得および設定


class CDataType { 

    void setTBOOL8(bool src) { 
     m_uAnyData.um_Bool = src; 

void setTUINT8(uint8_t src) { //also used for FzrteByte 
    m_uAnyData.um_UInt8 = src; 


bool getTBOOL8() const { 
    return (m_uAnyData.um_Bool); 

uint8_t getTUINT8() const { //also used for FzrteByte 
    return (m_uAnyData.um_UInt8); 

    union uAnyData { 
     bool  um_Bool; 
     uint8_t um_Byte; 
     uint16_t um_Word; 
     uint32_t um_DWord; 
     uint64_t um_LWord; 

    uint8_t um_UInt8; 
    uint16_t um_UInt16; 
    uint32_t um_UInt32; 
    uint64_t um_UInt64; 

    int8_t um_Int8; 
    int16_t um_Int16; 
    int32_t um_Int32; 
    int64_t um_Int64; 

    float um_Float; 
    double um_DFloat; 

uAnyData m_uAnyData; 


class CDataType { 
    virtual void get() = 0; 

template<class T> MyDataType public CDataType{ 
    private T data_; 

    MyVariantType(T data) { 
     data_ = data; 

    virtual T get() { 
     return data_; 

CDataType* var = new MyDataType<int>(100); 
var = new MyDataType<string>("hello world"); 

あなたが実際にそれをどうするかしたいですか? – xaxxon


_ "テンプレートを使用して代替ソリューションを探していたためです" _実際のタイプ(例:列挙型)の識別テンプレートパラメータによっては、特殊化が必要でした。 –


checkout 'boost:variant' –



を使用して代替ソリューションを探していた私は、あなたが望むものについてそれほど明確でないんだけど、あなたのコメントのいずれかから、それはのように思えますこれは役に立つかもしれません。 (または少なくとも コードからいくつかのアイデアを得るかもしれません)



#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <cstring> 
#include <cstddef> 

class TPun { 
    const void* pbuffer; 
    template <typename IT> 
    const void* offset_ptr(IT byte_offset) const { 
     return static_cast<const void*>(static_cast<const char*>(pbuffer) + byte_offset); 
    TPun() : pbuffer(nullptr) {} 

    template <typename T> 
    TPun(const T* pbuffer) : pbuffer(static_cast<const void*>(pbuffer)) {} 
    template <typename T> 
    TPun(T* pbuffer) : pbuffer(static_cast<const void*>(pbuffer)) {} 
    template <typename T> 
    TPun(const T& struct_obj) : pbuffer(static_cast<const void*>(&struct_obj)) {} 

    template <typename T> 
    TPun& operator = (const T* pbuf) { pbuffer = static_cast<const void*>(pbuf); return *this; } 
    template <typename T> 
    TPun& operator = (T* pbuf) { pbuffer = static_cast<const void*>(pbuf); return *this; } 
    template <typename T> 
    TPun& operator = (const T& struct_obj) { pbuffer = static_cast<const void*>(&struct_obj); return *this; } 

    template <typename T> 
    struct is_cchar_ptr { 
     template <typename U> static U& dval(); 
     static int test(char const * const &) { return true; } 
     template <typename U> 
     static char test(const U&) { return false; } 
     static const bool value = sizeof(int) == sizeof(test(dval<T>())); 

    // Returns a reference for non-pointer types (only used for const char*) 
    template <typename T> struct cptr_pass   { static const T& get(const void* p) { return *static_cast<const T*>(p); } }; 
    template <typename T> struct cptr_pass<const T*> { static const T* get(const void* p) { return static_cast<const T*>(p); } }; 

    // at only works for POD types or classes consisting of only POD members 
    template <typename T, typename IT> 
    T at(IT byte_offset) const { 
     if(is_cchar_ptr<T>::value) { 
      // special handling when T is const char* 
      // returns a pointer to the buffer instead of a pointer created from buffer data 
      // using char to access the buffer avoids the strict aliasing rule 
      return cptr_pass<T>::get(offset_ptr(byte_offset)); 
     T value; 
     std::memcpy(&value, offset_ptr(byte_offset), sizeof(T)); 
     return value; 

    // This version of at() works with any type, but sports Undefined Behavior, 
    // because it violates the strict aliasing rule. 
    // This can also cause problems if the offset you give, along with the buffer's 
    // base address result in a pointer which is not aligned properly for the type. 
    template <typename T, typename IT> 
    const T& the_at_of_many_dangers(IT byte_offset) { 
     return *static_cast<const T&>(offset_ptr(byte_offset)); 

    std::ostream& manipulate(std::ostream& is) { return is; } 

    template<typename M, typename ...Ms> 
    std::ostream& manipulate(std::ostream& is, const M& manipulator, Ms ...manips) { 
     return manipulate(is << manipulator, manips...); 

    template <typename T, typename IT, typename ...Ms> 
    std::string string_at(IT byte_offset, Ms ...manips) { 
     std::stringstream ss; 
     manipulate(ss, manips...) << at<T>(byte_offset); 
     return ss.str(); 

void no_warning_strcpy(char* d, const char* s) { while(*(d++) = *(s++)) {} } 

struct test_struct { 
    char text[10]; 
    float number; 
    int some_int; 
    double a_double; 
    test_struct() { 
     no_warning_strcpy(text, "hi there"); 
     number = 52.25; 
     some_int = 1000000000; 
     a_double = 1.2e-14; 

int main() { 
    using std::cout; 
    using std::string; 
    // create a test_struct (values are filled in automatically) 
    test_struct ts; 
    // copy ts's memory image to a char buffer 
    char* memory_buffer = new char[sizeof(ts)]; 
    std::memcpy(memory_buffer, &ts, sizeof(ts)); 
    // Create a TPun object, start off pointing at the char buffer 
    TPun tpun(memory_buffer); 
    // send some field values to cout 
    // the "offsetof" macro (defined in <cstddef>) gives the 
    // byte offset of a field in a struct 
    cout << tpun.at<const char*>(offsetof(test_struct, text)) << '\n'; 
    cout << tpun.at<float>(offsetof(test_struct, number)) << '\n'; 
    // format a value into a string. Optionally, add extra ostream manipulator arguments. 
    // This makes a string with the data from some_int, and formats it as a hex string 
    string hex_string = tpun.string_at<int>(offsetof(test_struct, some_int), std::hex); 
    cout << hex_string << '\n'; 
    // I screwed this one up -- I used the text field's data to make an int 
    // Using the manipulator this way, instead of going directly through 
    // cout, keeps cout's flags intact 
    cout << tpun.string_at<int>(offsetof(test_struct, text), std::hex) << '\n'; 
    // change a_double in the original struct 
    ts.a_double = -1; 
    // tpun is pointing at the buffer copy, so it shows the original value 
    cout << tpun.at<double>(offsetof(test_struct, a_double)) << '\n'; 
    // tpun's target can be chaged on-the-fly like this, and it can be set to 
    // view an object's memory directly, without creating a pointer. 
    tpun = ts; 
    // outputs -1 
    cout << tpun.at<double>(offsetof(test_struct, a_double)) << '\n'; 


hi there 

ありがとう、これは少し私を助けます – kar
