2016-04-22 11 views


public class StackExample { 
public static Stack<Integer> getEvenNumbers(Stack<Integer> stack) { 
Stack<Integer> a = stack; 
Stack<Integer> c = new Stack<Integer>(); 
    return stack; 
while (!(a.isEmpty())) { 
    int num = a.pop(); 
    if (num % 2 == 0) { 
    } else { 

return c; 


import static org.junit.Assert.*; 

import java.lang.reflect.Field; 

import org.junit.Test; 

public class StackExampleTest { 
private class StackTest extends Stack<Integer> { 
    public StackTest(int[] values) { 
     for (int i = values.length-1; i > -1; i--) { 
      push(values[ i ]); 
public void testReflection() { 
    Class<?> iClass = StackExample.class; 
    Field[] iFields = iClass.getDeclaredFields(); 

    for (Field f : iFields) { 
     if (!f.isSynthetic()) { 
      fail("Class shouldn't have any fields [found: \""+f.getName()+"\"]"); 
public void testEmpty() { 
    int[]   input = new int[]{ }; 
    Stack<Integer> stack = new StackTest(input); 
    Stack<Integer> result = StackExample.getEvenNumbers(stack); 

    assertTrue("result should be empty", result.isEmpty()); 
    assertTrue("stack should be empty", stack .isEmpty()); 
    assertTrue("stack and result cannot be the same object", stack != result); 
public void test1Odd() { 
    int[]   input = new int[]{ 5 }; 
    Stack<Integer> stack = new StackTest(input); 
    Stack<Integer> result = StackExample.getEvenNumbers(stack); 

    assertTrue("result should be empty", result.isEmpty()); 

    for (int expected : input) { 
     if (stack.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"stack\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = stack.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    assertTrue("stack and result cannot be the same object", stack != result); 
public void test1Even() { 
    int[]   input = new int[]{ 4 }; 
    Stack<Integer> stack = new StackTest(input); 
    Stack<Integer> result = StackExample.getEvenNumbers(stack); 

    for (int expected : new int[]{ 4 }) { 
     if (result.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"result\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = result.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    for (int expected : input) { 
     if (stack.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"stack\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = stack.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    assertTrue("stack and result cannot be the same object", stack != result); 
public void testNoneEven() { 
    int[]   input = new int[]{ 9, 77, 3, 5, 11 }; 
    Stack<Integer> stack = new StackTest(input); 
    Stack<Integer> result = StackExample.getEvenNumbers(stack); 

    assertTrue("result should be empty", result.isEmpty()); 

    for (int expected : input) { 
     if (stack.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"stack\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = stack.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    assertTrue("stack and result cannot be the same object", stack != result); 
public void testSomeEven() { 
    int[]   input = new int[]{ 44, 77, 8, 3, 5, 12 }; 
    Stack<Integer> stack = new StackTest(input); 
    Stack<Integer> result = StackExample.getEvenNumbers(stack); 

    for (int expected : new int[]{ 44, 8, 12 }) { 
     if (result.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"result\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = result.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    for (int expected : input) { 
     if (stack.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"stack\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = stack.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    assertTrue("stack and result cannot be the same object", stack != result); 
public void testAllEven() { 
    int[]   input = new int[]{ 12, 22, 6, 14, 12 }; 
    Stack<Integer> stack = new StackTest(input); 
    Stack<Integer> result = StackExample.getEvenNumbers(stack); 

    for (int expected : input) { 
     if (result.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"result\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = result.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    for (int expected : input) { 
     if (stack.isEmpty()) 
      fail("\"stack\" empty: '"+ expected +"' expected"); 
     else { 
      int actual = stack.pop(); 
      assertEquals("incorrect result", expected, actual); 
    assertTrue("stack and result cannot be the same object", stack != result); 




    return stack; 

