Traceback (most recent call last):
fast transport belt
File "E:/Will/William's Projects/Code/Tests/FactrioRatios.py", line 52, in <module>
iron gear wheel
found_ratio = find_ratio("fast transport belt", 2)
File "E:/Will/William's Projects/Code/Tests/FactrioRatios.py", line 41, in find_ratio
for item, ratio in iter(find_ratio(ingredient, items[item][1][ingredient] *
TypeError: 'set' object is not subscriptable
You will need:
4.0 fast transport belt factories
4.0 transport belt factories
8.0 iron gear wheel factories
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
# Item is a named tuple called Item which expects two attributes, craft time and ingredients
Item = namedtuple('Item', ['craft_time', 'ingredients'])
# A dictionary of all the different items to be crafted
items = {'iron gear wheel': Item(craft_time=0.5, ingredients={None}),
'copper cable': Item(craft_time=0.5, ingredients={None}),
'transport belt': Item(craft_time=0.5, ingredients={'iron gear wheel': 1}),
'fast transport belt': Item(craft_time=0.5, ingredients={'iron gear wheel': 5, 'transport belt': 1})}
# Functions
def find_ratio(item, rate_of_production):
This recursive function finds the ratio of factories needed to produce the item at the rate of production.
# creates a default dict object
dict_of_ratios = defaultdict(list)
# adds the ratio of the item itself to the dict of ratios
# iterate through the rest of the ingredients of the item
for ingredient in iter(items[item][1]):
# if there are no ingredients
if ingredient is None:
# iterate through the returned dict from find ratio and add them to the currently running dict of ratios
for item, ratio in iter(find_ratio(ingredient, items[item][1] [ingredient] * rate_of_production).items()):
# iterate through dict of ratios and sum all of the values
for item in iter(dict_of_ratios.keys()):
dict_of_ratios[item] = sum(dict_of_ratios[item])
return dict_of_ratios
found_ratio = find_ratio("fast transport belt", 2)
# print the resulting ratio
print('You will need:')
for i in found_ratio:
print("\t{} {} factories".format(found_ratio[i], i))
' ingredients = {None} 'はただ一つの要素' None'を含む 'set'です。空のDICTを作成したいですか? 'ingredients = {}'を使ってください。 –
ありがとう!コードは正常に動作します。 –