2012-01-11 7 views

ユーザーのログインの検証を行うiphoneアプリケーションを作成しようとしています。django WebサーバーへのIphoneポスティングでcsrf検証エラーが発生する




2012-01-11 13:44:51.470 Different Views[53942:18903] 
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 
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    <title>403 Forbidden</title> 
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<div id="summary"> 
    <h1>Forbidden <span>(403)</span></h1> 
    <p>CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.</p> 


<div id="info"> 

    <p>Reason given for failure:</p> 
    CSRF token missing or incorrect. 

    <p>In general, this can occur when there is a genuine Cross Site Request Forgery, or when 
    CSRF mechanism</a> has not been used correctly. For POST forms, you need to 

    <li>The view function uses <a 
    for the template, instead of <code>Context</code>.</li> 

    <li>In the template, there is a <code>{Jsrf_token 
    }</code> template tag inside each POST form that 
    targets an internal URL.</li> 

    <li>If you are not using <code>CsrfViewMiddleware</code>, then you must use 
    <code>csrf_protect</code> on any views that use the <code>csrf_token</code> 
    template tag, as well as those that accept the POST data.</li> 


    <p>You're seeing the help section of this page because you have <code>DEBUG = 
    True</code> in your Django settings file. Change that to <code>False</code>, 
    and only the initial error message will be displayed. </p> 

    <p>You can customize this page using the CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW setting.</p> 



私自身の研究に基づいて、私は同様のANS hereを見つけたが、私はどのようにトークン

どれでもヘルプを表示/設定するには考えているいただければ幸いです。ありがとうございました。 「どのように動作するのか」の下Django CSRF docsから


これはWebビュー(htmlの表示とフォームの送信)で、またはちょうど(django)ビューに直接データを投稿していますか? – second


私はwebviewから、そうでなければ彼は提供された答えを実装できたと思う。 – RickyA


@StanwinこのURLをwebviewから呼び出すと、フォームから投稿するのですか、それともblaに入れましたか? – RickyA



The CSRF protection is based on the following things:

  1. A CSRF cookie that is set to a random value (a session independent nonce, as it is called), which other sites will not have access to.

    This cookie is set by CsrfViewMiddleware. It is meant to be permanent, but since there is no way to set a cookie that never expires, it is sent with every response that has called django.middleware.csrf.get_token() (the function used internally to retrieve the CSRF token).

  2. A hidden form field with the name 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' present in all outgoing POST forms. The value of this field is the value of the CSRF cookie.

    This part is done by the template tag.

  3. For all incoming requests that are not using HTTP GET, HEAD, OPTIONS or TRACE, a CSRF cookie must be present, and the 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' field must be present and correct. If it isn't, the user will get a 403 error.

    This check is done by CsrfViewMiddleware.

  4. In addition, for HTTPS requests, strict referer checking is done by CsrfViewMiddleware. This is necessary to address a Man-In-The-Middle attack that is possible under HTTPS when using a session independent nonce, due to the fact that HTTP 'Set-Cookie' headers are (unfortunately) accepted by clients that are talking to a site under HTTPS. (Referer checking is not done for HTTP requests because the presence of the Referer header is not reliable enough under HTTP.)

This ensures that only forms that have originated from your Web site can be used to POST data back. (emphasis mine)



確かにクリス。私はCSRFのコンポーネントを理解するのに時間をかけます。返信ありがとう! –


これに運がいいですか?私は同じ問題に直面している – JEzu
