import socket
import threading
from lib.comms import StealthConn
from lib.files import p2p_download_file
# Keep track of where our server is
# This is primarily so we don't try to talk to ourselves
server_port = 1337
def find_bot():
print("Finding another bot...")
port = 1337
conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while 1:
if port == server_port:
# Don't connect to yourself, silly bot!
port += 1
print("Found bot on port %d" % port)
conn.connect(("localhost", port))
sconn = StealthConn(conn, client=True)
return sconn
except socket.error:
print("No bot was listening on port %d" % port)
port += 1
def echo_server(sconn):
while 1:
data = sconn.recv()
print("ECHOING>", data)
if data == b'X' or data == b'exit' or data == b'quit':
print("Closing connection...")
def accept_connection(conn):
sconn = StealthConn(conn, server=True)
# The sender is either going to chat to us or send a file
cmd = sconn.recv()
if cmd == b'ECHO':
elif cmd == b'FILE':
except socket.error:
print("Connection closed unexpectedly")
def bot_server():
global server_port
# Every bot is both client & server, so needs to listen for
# connections. This is to allow for peer to peer traffic.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Real worms use shifting ports but for simplicity, we won't.
# We'll also assume you may run another bot on your computer
# so if something else is using 1337, we'll keep going up.
while True:
s.bind(("localhost", server_port))
print("Listening on port %d" % server_port)
except socket.error:
# Someone is already using that port -- let's go up one
print("Port %d not available" % server_port)
server_port += 1
while 1:
print("Waiting for connection...")
conn, address = s.accept()
print("Accepted a connection from %s..." % (address,))
# Start a new thread per connection
# We don't need to specify it's a daemon thread as daemon status is inherited
threading.Thread(target=accept_connection, args=(conn,)).start()
Waiting for connection...
Enter command: p2p echo
Finding another bot...
Found bot on port 1338
No bot was listening on port 1338
Found bot on port 1339
No bot was listening on port 1339
Found bot on port 1340
No bot was listening on port 1340
Found bot on port 1341
No bot was listening on port 1341
Found bot on port 1342