1) "Remoteexception"の概念について私に助けてもらえますか?一般的にはどういう意味ですか?一般にHDFSでは "RemoteException"とは何を意味していますか?
ありがとう:(https://github.com/apache/hadoop Hadoop_HDFS_Open_Source)
* If this remote exception wraps up one of the lookupTypes
* then return this exception.
* <p>
* Unwraps any IOException.
* @param lookupTypes the desired exception class.
* @return IOException, which is either the lookupClass exception or this.
public IOException unwrapRemoteException(Class<?>... lookupTypes) {
if(lookupTypes == null)
return this;
for(Class<?> lookupClass : lookupTypes) {
try {
return instantiateException(lookupClass.asSubclass(IOException.class));
} catch(Exception e) {
// cannot instantiate lookupClass, just return this
return this;
// wrapped up exception is not in lookupTypes, just return this
return this;