2016-12-08 6 views


//these variables connect our code with the 'id' on the html 
//we can then manipulate the variables and it will manipulate the html 
var images = document.getElementById("images"); 
var text = document.getElementById("text"); 
var buttonBox = document.getElementById('buttonBox'); 
var input = document.getElementById('input'); 
//this is the variable for the name of the character 
var hero; 

//this is how after we type in the character name and hit enter 
//we will add the name to the variable, remove the input box and start our first scenario 
input.onkeypress = function(event) { 
    if (event.key == "Enter" || event.keyCode == 13) { 
    hero = input.value; 

//this changes the text and puts in your characters name 
var changeText = function(words) { 
    text.innerHTML = words.replace("Your dog", hero); 

//this takes the image link and puts it in the proper format, sending it to the html 
var changeImage = function(img) { 
    images.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + img + ")"; 

//this looks at the number of options we have set and creates enough buttons 
var changeButtons = function(buttonList) { 
    buttonBox.innerHTML = ""; 
    for (var i = 0; i < buttonList.length; i++) { 
    buttonBox.innerHTML += "<button onClick="+buttonList[i][1]+">" + buttonList[i][0] + "</button>"; 

//this is what moves the game along 
var advanceTo = function(s) { 

//this is the object that holds each scenario, the more you add the more options there are 
//scenario = {} 
var scenario = { 
    one: { 
    image: "http://s9.postimg.org/eceo9mp73/5860028206_d66810105f_b.jpg", //dog 
    text: "H-hello? Yes! Yes! It's working! Is anyone there? Hello? If you're there, what's your name?", 
    two: { 
    image: "http://s9.postimg.org/9p8m7v1u7/6899639786_d517c4cce3_z.jpg", //house 
    text: "Your dog yanks at the leash. You hear dogs barking and see an old abandoned house. Strangely, the door is wide open. What do you want to do?", 
    buttons: [["Turn and run", "advanceTo(scenario.three)"],["Enter The House", "advanceTo(scenario.four)"]] 
    three: { 
    image: "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-83pWE4JxQxM/ViiOd_7nGTI/AAAAAAAADUg/yCJ8iAB-gMY/s1600/postapoc5.jpg",//"http://s4.postimg.org/t1g20apst/261819008_d4316c1bdf_o.jpg", 
    text: "A wild gang of rabid dogs are gaining on you. Against your better judgement you enter the creepy house for saftey. Your dog is whincing and may be injured.", 
    buttons: [["continue", "advanceTo(scenario.four)"]] 
    four: { 
    image: "http://s6.postimg.org/kz5m1cnkh/2919478782_c343d14be6_b.jpg", 
    text: "Your dog has run, barking loudly, into the basement. You wonder what's down there. The door jammed when you slammed it behind you. You are going to need something to pry it back open", 
    buttons: [["Follow your Dog Downstairs", "advanceTo(scenario.five)"],["Search the Kitchen for a knife", "advanceTo(scenario.five)"]] 
    five: { 
    image: "http://s6.postimg.org/kz5m1cnkh/2919478782_c343d14be6_b.jpg", 
    text: "TO BE CONTINUED...", 



//this is the code that starts the game 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html > 
    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
    <title>The Help</title> 

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self' data: gap: https://ssl.gstatic.com 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *"> 



    <div id="images"> 
    <div id="text"> 

    <input id="input" onkeydown='submitDogName(this)' placeholder='What is your name?'> 
    <div id="buttonBox"> 



    <script src="js/index.js"></script> 



Plzをも 'HTML'コードを提供します。 – Anson


Added :) @Anson – Owen




  1. undefinedようfalsy値のための条件を追加する必要があります。次の変更を参照してください。

    var changeButtons = function(buttonList) { 
        if(!buttonList) return; // Here. 
        buttonBox.innerHTML = ""; 
        for (var i = 0; i < buttonList.length; i++) { 
        buttonBox.innerHTML += "<button onClick="+buttonList[i][1]+">" + buttonList[i][0] + "</button>"; 
  2. 使用背景画像にurlの値を引用する単一引用符。次の変更を参照してください。

    var changeImage = function(img) { 
        images.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + img + "')"; // Here. 
  3. あなたはCSSまたはJavaScriptのにより高さに特定の値を設定する必要がありますので内部には、コンテンツが存在しない場合div要素の高さは0です。 div要素のデフォルトサイズはreferenceです。下記を参照くださいCSSコンテンツ。

    #images { 
        background-size: 100% 100%; 
        height: 200px; 


//these variables connect our code with the 'id' on the html 
//we can then manipulate the variables and it will manipulate the html 
var images = document.getElementById("images"); 
var text = document.getElementById("text"); 
var buttonBox = document.getElementById('buttonBox'); 
var input = document.getElementById('input'); 
//this is the variable for the name of the character 
var hero; 

//this is how after we type in the character name and hit enter 
//we will add the name to the variable, remove the input box and start our first scenario 
input.onkeypress = function(event) { 
    if (event.key == "Enter" || event.keyCode == 13) { 
    hero = input.value; 

//this changes the text and puts in your characters name 
var changeText = function(words) { 
    text.innerHTML = words.replace("Your dog", hero); 

//this takes the image link and puts it in the proper format, sending it to the html 
var changeImage = function(img) { 
    images.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + img + "')"; 

//this looks at the number of options we have set and creates enough buttons 
var changeButtons = function(buttonList) { 
    if(!buttonList) return; 
    buttonBox.innerHTML = ""; 
    for (var i = 0; i < buttonList.length; i++) { 
    buttonBox.innerHTML += "<button onClick="+buttonList[i][1]+">" + buttonList[i][0] + "</button>"; 

//this is what moves the game along 
var advanceTo = function(s) { 

//this is the object that holds each scenario, the more you add the more options there are 
//scenario = {} 
var scenario = { 
    one: { 
    image: "http://s9.postimg.org/eceo9mp73/5860028206_d66810105f_b.jpg", //dog 
    text: "H-hello? Yes! Yes! It's working! Is anyone there? Hello? If you're there, what's your name?", 
    two: { 
    image: "http://s9.postimg.org/9p8m7v1u7/6899639786_d517c4cce3_z.jpg", //house 
    text: "Your dog yanks at the leash. You hear dogs barking and see an old abandoned house. Strangely, the door is wide open. What do you want to do?", 
    buttons: [["Turn and run", "advanceTo(scenario.three)"],["Enter The House", "advanceTo(scenario.four)"]] 
    three: { 
    image: "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-83pWE4JxQxM/ViiOd_7nGTI/AAAAAAAADUg/yCJ8iAB-gMY/s1600/postapoc5.jpg",//"http://s4.postimg.org/t1g20apst/261819008_d4316c1bdf_o.jpg", 
    text: "A wild gang of rabid dogs are gaining on you. Against your better judgement you enter the creepy house for saftey. Your dog is whincing and may be injured.", 
    buttons: [["continue", "advanceTo(scenario.four)"]] 
    four: { 
    image: "http://s6.postimg.org/kz5m1cnkh/2919478782_c343d14be6_b.jpg", 
    text: "Your dog has run, barking loudly, into the basement. You wonder what's down there. The door jammed when you slammed it behind you. You are going to need something to pry it back open", 
    buttons: [["Follow your Dog Downstairs", "advanceTo(scenario.five)"],["Search the Kitchen for a knife", "advanceTo(scenario.five)"]] 
    five: { 
    image: "http://s6.postimg.org/kz5m1cnkh/2919478782_c343d14be6_b.jpg", 
    text: "TO BE CONTINUED...", 



//this is the code that starts the game 
#images { 
    background-size: 100% 100%; 
    height: 200px; 
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/> 
    <title>The Help</title> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"/> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self' data: gap: https://ssl.gstatic.com 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *"/> 

    <div id="images"> 
    <div id="text"> 

    <input id="input" placeholder='What is your name?'> 
    <div id="buttonBox"> 
    <script src="js/index.js"></script> 



//these variables connect our code with the 'id' on the html 
//we can then manipulate the variables and it will manipulate the html 
var images = document.getElementById("images"); 
var text = document.getElementById("text"); 
var buttonBox = document.getElementById('buttonBox'); 
var input = document.getElementById('input'); 
//this is the variable for the name of the character 
var hero; 

//this is how after we type in the character name and hit enter 
//we will add the name to the variable, remove the input box and start our first scenario 
input.onkeypress = function(event) { 
    if (event.key == "Enter" || event.keyCode == 13) { 
    hero = input.value; 

//this changes the text and puts in your characters name 
var changeText = function(words) { 
    text.innerHTML = words.replace("Your dog", hero); 

//this takes the image link and puts it in the proper format, sending it to the html 
var changeImage = function(img) { 
    images.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + img + "')"; 

//this looks at the number of options we have set and creates enough buttons 
var changeButtons = function(buttonList) { 
    if(!buttonList) return; 
    buttonBox.innerHTML = ""; 
    for (var i = 0; i < buttonList.length; i++) { 
    buttonBox.innerHTML += "<button onClick="+buttonList[i][1]+">" + buttonList[i][0] + "</button>"; 

var appendHistory = function() { 
    var historyDiv = document.getElementById("history"); 
    var historyItemDiv = document.createElement("div"); 

//this is what moves the game along 
var advanceTo = function(s) { 
    if(!s.isLast) appendHistory(); 

//this is the object that holds each scenario, the more you add the more options there are 
//scenario = {} 
var scenario = { 
    one: { 
    image: "http://s9.postimg.org/eceo9mp73/5860028206_d66810105f_b.jpg", //dog 
    text: "H-hello? Yes! Yes! It's working! Is anyone there? Hello? If you're there, what's your name?", 
    isLast: false 
    two: { 
    image: "http://s9.postimg.org/9p8m7v1u7/6899639786_d517c4cce3_z.jpg", //house 
    text: "Your dog yanks at the leash. You hear dogs barking and see an old abandoned house. Strangely, the door is wide open. What do you want to do?", 
    buttons: [["Turn and run", "advanceTo(scenario.three)"],["Enter The House", "advanceTo(scenario.four)"]], 
    isLast: false 
    three: { 
    image: "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-83pWE4JxQxM/ViiOd_7nGTI/AAAAAAAADUg/yCJ8iAB-gMY/s1600/postapoc5.jpg",//"http://s4.postimg.org/t1g20apst/261819008_d4316c1bdf_o.jpg", 
    text: "A wild gang of rabid dogs are gaining on you. Against your better judgement you enter the creepy house for saftey. Your dog is whincing and may be injured.", 
    buttons: [["continue", "advanceTo(scenario.four)"]], 
    isLast: false 
    four: { 
    image: "http://s6.postimg.org/kz5m1cnkh/2919478782_c343d14be6_b.jpg", 
    text: "Your dog has run, barking loudly, into the basement. You wonder what's down there. The door jammed when you slammed it behind you. You are going to need something to pry it back open", 
    buttons: [["Follow your Dog Downstairs", "advanceTo(scenario.five)"],["Search the Kitchen for a knife", "advanceTo(scenario.five)"]], 
    isLast: false 
    five: { 
    image: "http://s6.postimg.org/kz5m1cnkh/2919478782_c343d14be6_b.jpg", 
    text: "TO BE CONTINUED...", 
    isLast: true 


//this is the code that starts the game 
#images { 
    background-size: 100% 100%; 
    height: 200px; 

#history > div:last-child { 
    display: none; 
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/> 
    <title>The Help</title> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"/> 
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self' data: gap: https://ssl.gstatic.com 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *"/> 
    <div id="history"></div> 
    <div id="images"></div> 
    <div id="text"></div> 
    <input id="input" placeholder='What is your name?'/> 
    <div id="buttonBox"></div> 
    <script src="js/index.js"></script> 


ボタンをクリックすると、彼らはまだ新しいページを作成します、彼らは下に挿入されていません... @anson – Owen


イメージを切り替えるときにフラッシュを意味しますか? – Anson


またはユーザーの話が欲しいですか? – Anson
