2017-03-14 3 views

毎日、毎日レポートからデータを手動で切り取り、このマスタースプレッドシートに貼り付けています。新しいファイルは毎日同じですが、日付が追加されるため、ファイル名は毎日異なります。例。 2017-03-11-18875,2017-03-12-18875,2017-03-13-18875などexcel既存のスプレッドシートをxls dailyレポートの新しいデータで自動的に更新



これは間違いなくVBAで行うことができます。おそらく、このページの右側にある「関連する」質問のいくつかを見直してください。 –


これは私が検索して探しているものです – donviti


彼は記事の1つを見て、次にコードを書いて、次に質問をすると言っていると思います。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885733/excel-summary-of-many-excel-files-data-into-one-report-excel?rq=1。このサイトはあなたのためにあなたの仕事をするためのものではありません。 – Kevin




Sub getOpenExcel() 

' Your daily report has a date in it's name 
' to select an open workbook we must first know it's name 
' AND - it must be already open 
' Your examples are 2017-03-11-18875, 2017-03-12-18875, 2017-03-13-18875 

' If the name is the current date then this would work to get the filename 

Dim fileName As String, monthNum As String, dayNum As String, wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook 
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range 

' this adds a ZERO to the front of month numbers less than 10 
If Month(Date) < 10 Then 
    monthNum = "0" & CStr(Month(Date)) 
    monthNum = CStr(Month(Date)) 
End If 

' You may or may not need this section 
' it adds a ZERO to the front of day numbers less than 10 
If Day(Date) < 10 Then 
    dayNum = "0" & CStr(Day(Date)) 
    dayNum = CStr(Day(Date)) 
End If 
' many cases the daily report will come from the previous day 
' If your file has yesterday's date, then comment out the above code and uncomment the following code 
'If Day(DateAdd("d", -1, Date)) < 10 Then 
' dayNum = "0" & Day(DateAdd("d", -1, Date)) 
' dayNum = Day(DateAdd("d", -1, Date)) 
'End If 

fileName = CStr(Year(Date)) & "-" & monthNum & "-" & dayNum & "-" & "18875" 
' if today's date is 3/14/17 then "fileNem" = "2017-03-12-18875" 

' If your daily report is an excel book, then we need to add the proper extension. 
' It could be one of many, "xls", ".xlsx" , ".xlsm", etc.... 
' If your daily report is open - look at the top. It should have the file name and extension.' 
' Replace the below extension with the correct one. 
fileName = fileName & ".xlsx" 
' Again, if today's date is 3/14/17 then "fileNem" = "2017-03-12-18875.xlsx" 

' This is where we set both workbooks to variables 
Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook ' This is your master sheet 
Set ws1 = wb1.Worksheets("Sheet1") 

On Error GoTo notOpen 
Set wb2 = Workbooks(fileName) ' This is your daily report 
On Error GoTo 0 
Set ws2 = wb2.Worksheets("Sheet1") 

' If successful this is the area where you put your code to copy and paste automatically 
' If you need this pasted to the first empty row at bottom of page then 
' put code here to find the first empty row and use that varaible 
' with range("a" & firstUnusedRow) intstead of A1 ... 

Range("A1:Z500").Copy _ 
    Destination:=wb1.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") 'change A1 to A & firstUnusedRow 

' This is the clean up and exit code 

Set wb1 = Nothing 
Set wb2 = Nothing 
Exit Sub 
On Error GoTo 0 
Set wb1 = Nothing 
MsgBox "The file " & fileName & " is not open" 
Exit Sub 

End Sub 

私は非常にありがとう! – donviti
