2017-01-08 6 views


私は、Stack Overflowで見つかった数多くの例を試してみましたが、ほとんど成功しませんでした。私はそれを残しておくことが最善であり、インラインブロックが最善であるという議論を見てきました。いずれもどちらも完全に機能していないようで、私はこれをどのように達成するかについて混乱しています。



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     <div style="width:33%;"> 
      <img src="http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/m/m4JYJFjgp9rwTii4MicWiDA/s-l225.jpg"> 
     <div style="flex:1;"> 
       <li><h3 class="title">This Is Some Type of Product Title</h3></li> 
       <li class="subtitle">This is a longer description text that appears smaller below it</li> 
       <li class="attr">Soft Wooly Cloth Fabric</li> 
       <li class="attr">Big Screen</li> 
       <li><span class="price" style="font-weight:bold;">9.99$</span></li> 
       <li class="attr">More Attributes</li> 
       <li class="attr">More Attributes</li> 
       <li class="attr">More Attributes</li> 

理想のレイアウト: enter image description here


あなたはそれがさえずり、ブートストラップを使用して作ってみるのですか? – Banzay




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<div class="product_content"> 
<div class="product_title"><a href="">NWT New Polo Ralph Loren Adjustable Strap Pony Logo Baseball Hat Cap 1 Size</a></div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="product_special">Free Shipping ! 30 Day Warranty ! USA Seller</div> 
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<div class="product_info"> 
<div class="product_price">$23.88</div> 
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<div class="price_info">Buy It Now</div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="ship">Free shipping</div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="sold">4315 sold</div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="more_link"><a href="#">See more like this</a></div> 
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<div class="country">From China</div> 
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<div class="other">Customs services and international tracking provided</div> 
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<div class="clear"></div> 
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<div class="clear"></div> 

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<div class="product"> 
<div class="product_img"><img src="http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/m/m4JYJFjgp9rwTii4MicWiDA/s-l225.jpg"></div> 
<div class="product_content"> 
<div class="product_title"><a href="">NWT New Polo Ralph Loren Adjustable Strap Pony Logo Baseball Hat Cap 1 Size</a></div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="product_special">Free Shipping ! 30 Day Warranty ! USA Seller</div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="product_info"> 
<div class="product_price">$23.88</div> 
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<div class="price_info">Buy It Now</div> 
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<div class="ship">Free shipping</div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="sold">4315 sold</div> 
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<div class="more_link"><a href="#">See more like this</a></div> 
<div class="additional"> 
<div class="country">From China</div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<div class="other">Customs services and international tracking provided</div> 
<div class="topseller"><div class=""></div> 
<div class="clear"></div> 
<!-- end of product --> 

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price comparison tool for eBay and Amazon example
