私は、そしてこれは私が整数に入れていても解消されない:TypeError:__init __()は正確に4つの引数をとります(3与えられます)Point Shapely
Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-356-a717c6058dbb> in <module>()
----> 1 naive_2_meeting(floor_1,floor_2,floor_3,'b5ce04fe','b5ce04fe')
<ipython-input-355-cb9e84a49a> in naive_2_meeting(floor_1, floor_2, floor_3, uid1, uid2)
30 p = p.astype(float)
31 print(p[0][0],p[0][1])
---> 32 point = Point(1.0,2.0)
33 # check if intersection a line or a point
34 # line 1
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)
LINESTRING (62.45216400000002 25.25002557370135, 62.34162800000001 25.33145349735835)
# need: (62.452164000000018, 25.25002557370135)
コード全体を読む必要がないように問題の領域を示しました。私の問題はポイントを作成できないため、理由がわかりません。ここ は私のコードです:
def naive_2_meeting(floor_1,floor_2,floor_3,uid1,uid2):
flag = 0
# check floor 1, convert to numpy array for speed
floor_1_uid1 = floor_1[floor_1['uid']==uid1].sort_values(['epoch','x','y'],
floor_1_uid2 = floor_1[floor_1['uid']==uid2].sort_values(['epoch','x','y'],
# compare each line segment to each other
for i in range(0,len(floor_1_uid1)-1):
a = floor_1_uid1[i][0]
b = floor_1_uid1[i][1]
c = floor_1_uid1[i+1][0]
d = floor_1_uid1[i+1][1]
for j in range(0,len(floor_1_uid2)-1):
a1 = floor_1_uid2[j][0]
b1 = floor_1_uid2[j][1]
c1 = floor_1_uid2[j+1][0]
d1 = floor_1_uid2[j+1][1]
line1 = LineString([(a,b),(c,d)])
line2 = LineString([(a1,b1),(c1,d1)])
if line1.intersects(line2):
# find intersection point
point = line1.intersection(line2)
print (point)
if point.geom_type == 'LineString':
# need to extract the begining of the intersecting lineString
print('linestring intersection')
p = np.array(point)
p = p.astype(float)
point = Point(1.0,2.0)
# check if intersection a line or a point
# line 1
# length of segment
length_total = Point(a,b).distance(Point(c,d))
length_first_mid = Point(a,b).distance(point)
#length_last_mid = Point(c,d).distance(point)
# calculate the time from first to last
epoch_diff = floor_1_uid1[i+1][4] - floor_1_uid1[i][4]
time_add = (epoch_diff * length_first_mid)/length_total
time_meet = floor_1_uid1[i][4] + time_add
# line 2
# length of segment
length_total_1 = Point(a1,b1).distance(Point(c1,d1))
length_first_mid_1 = Point(a1,b1).distance(point)
#length_last_mid = Point(c,d).distance(point)
# calculate the time from first to last
# assume uniform velocity along an interpolated line
epoch_diff_1 = floor_1_uid1[j+1][4] - floor_1_uid1[j][4]
time_add_1 = (epoch_diff_1 * length_first_mid_1)/length_total_1
time_meet_1 = floor_1_uid1[j][4] + time_add_1
#is the time within a certain time range
if np.absolute(time_meet_1-time_meet)<20:
print ('They both intersect at ',line1.intersection(line2))
flag = 1
# else it means they cross paths at different times
elif line1.distance(line2) < 5:
# find the point
print('They both intersect')
flag = 1
if flag == 0:
print('They do not intersect')
@downvoter私が改善できるものについて言及せずにdownvotingに感謝します。 – LoveMeow
'from shapely.geometry import point'を使用してポイントをインポートしましたか? – James
はい、私は、交点(点)が線ストリングでない場合に使用します – LoveMeow