boost :: python :: object引数を検証する方法は、引数付きのPython関数シグニチャですか?boost :: python :: objectを検証する方法は、引数を持つ関数シグニチャです
void subscribe_py(boost::python::object callback){
//check callback is a function signature
boost :: python :: object引数を検証する方法は、引数付きのPython関数シグニチャですか?boost :: python :: objectを検証する方法は、引数を持つ関数シグニチャです
void subscribe_py(boost::python::object callback){
//check callback is a function signature
Boost.Pythonは、イントロスペクションを実行するのに役立つために、より高いレベルの種類を提供していません。しかし、Python C-APIのPyCallable_Check()
などのPythonイントロスペクションモジュールを使用して、呼び出し可能オブジェクトの署名を判断することができます。 Boost.PythonのC++とPythonの相互運用性により、これはPythonモジュールを使用するためにかなりシームレスになります。ここで
fn(a_0, a_1, ... a_n)
require_arity(fn, n)
/// @brief Given a Python object `fn` and an arity of `n`, requires
/// that the expression `fn(a_0, a_1, ..., a_2` to be valid.
/// Raise TypeError if `fn` is not callable and `ValueError`
/// if `fn` is callable, but has the wrong arity.
void require_arity(
std::string name,
boost::python::object fn,
std::size_t arity)
namespace python = boost::python;
std::stringstream error_msg;
error_msg << name << "() must take exactly " << arity << " arguments";
// Throw if the callback is not callable.
if (!PyCallable_Check(fn.ptr()))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, error_msg.str().c_str());
// Use the inspect module to extract the arg spec.
// >>> import inspect
auto inspect = python::import("inspect");
// >>> args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(fn)
auto arg_spec = inspect.attr("getargspec")(fn);
python::object args = arg_spec[0];
python::object varargs = arg_spec[1];
python::object defaults = arg_spec[3];
// Calculate the number of required arguments.
auto args_count = args ? python::len(args) : 0;
auto defaults_count = defaults ? python::len(defaults) : 0;
// If the function is a bound method or a class method, then the
// first argument (`self` or `cls`) will be implicitly provided.
// >>> has_self = inspect.ismethod(fn) and fn.__self__ is not None
if (static_cast<bool>(inspect.attr("ismethod")(fn))
&& fn.attr("__self__"))
// Require at least one argument. The function should support
// any of the following specs:
// >>> fn(a1)
// >>> fn(a1, a2=42)
// >>> fn(a1=42)
// >>> fn(*args)
auto required_count = args_count - defaults_count;
if (!( (required_count == 1) // fn(a1), fn(a1, a2=42)
|| (args_count > 0 && required_count == 0) // fn(a1=42)
|| (varargs) // fn(*args)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, error_msg.str().c_str());
void subscribe_py(boost::python::object callback)
require_arity("callback", callback, 1); // callback(a1) is valid
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <sstream>
/// @brief Given a Python object `fn` and an arity of `n`, requires
/// that the expression `fn(a_0, a_1, ..., a_2` to be valid.
/// Raise TypeError if `fn` is not callable and `ValueError`
/// if `fn` is callable, but has the wrong arity.
void require_arity(
std::string name,
boost::python::object fn,
std::size_t arity)
namespace python = boost::python;
std::stringstream error_msg;
error_msg << name << "() must take exactly " << arity << " arguments";
// Throw if the callback is not callable.
if (!PyCallable_Check(fn.ptr()))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, error_msg.str().c_str());
// Use the inspect module to extract the arg spec.
// >>> import inspect
auto inspect = python::import("inspect");
// >>> args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(fn)
auto arg_spec = inspect.attr("getargspec")(fn);
python::object args = arg_spec[0];
python::object varargs = arg_spec[1];
python::object defaults = arg_spec[3];
// Calculate the number of required arguments.
auto args_count = args ? python::len(args) : 0;
auto defaults_count = defaults ? python::len(defaults) : 0;
// If the function is a bound method or a class method, then the
// first argument (`self` or `cls`) will be implicitly provided.
// >>> has_self = inspect.ismethod(fn) and fn.__self__ is not None
if (static_cast<bool>(inspect.attr("ismethod")(fn))
&& fn.attr("__self__"))
// Require at least one argument. The function should support
// any of the following specs:
// >>> fn(a1)
// >>> fn(a1, a2=42)
// >>> fn(a1=42)
// >>> fn(*args)
auto required_count = args_count - defaults_count;
if (!( (required_count == 1) // fn(a1), fn(a1, a2=42)
|| (args_count > 0 && required_count == 0) // fn(a1=42)
|| (varargs) // fn(*args)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, error_msg.str().c_str());
void perform(
boost::python::object callback,
boost::python::object arg1)
require_arity("callback", callback, 1);
namespace python = boost::python;
python::def("perform", &perform);
>>> import example
>>> def test(fn, a1, expect=None):
... try:
... example.perform(fn, a1)
... assert(expect is None)
... except Exception as e:
... assert(isinstance(e, expect))
>>> test(lambda x: 42, None)
>>> test(lambda x, y=2: 42, None)
>>> test(lambda x=1, y=2: 42, None)
>>> test(lambda *args: None, None)
>>> test(lambda: 42, None, ValueError)
>>> test(lambda x, y: 42, None, ValueError)
>>> class Mock:
... def method_no_arg(self): pass
... def method_with_arg(self, x): pass
... def method_default_arg(self, x=1): pass
... @classmethod
... def cls_no_arg(cls): pass
... @classmethod
... def cls_with_arg(cls, x): pass
... @classmethod
... def cls_with_default_arg(cls, x=1): pass
>>> mock = Mock()
>>> test(Mock.method_no_arg, mock)
>>> test(mock.method_no_arg, mock, ValueError)
>>> test(Mock.method_with_arg, mock, ValueError)
>>> test(mock.method_with_arg, mock)
>>> test(Mock.method_default_arg, mock)
>>> test(mock.method_default_arg, mock)
>>> test(Mock.cls_no_arg, mock, ValueError)
>>> test(mock.cls_no_arg, mock, ValueError)
>>> test(Mock.cls_with_arg, mock)
>>> test(mock.cls_with_arg, mock)
>>> test(Mock.cls_with_default_arg, mock)
>>> test(mock.cls_with_default_arg, mock)
関数型の厳密なチェックは、非Python的であるとして主張することができ、原因呼び出し可能オブジェクトの様々なタイプ(バインド・メソッド、結合していない方法で、クラスメソッド、関数、などに複雑になることができます)。厳密な型チェックを適用する前に、厳密な型検査が必要かどうか、またはAbstract Base Classesのような代替検査で十分であるかどうかを判断する価値があります。たとえば、callback