次の作業を行う方法がわかりません。 (スイフト3、XCode8)。Swift 3の一般的な型強制です。
Cannot convert value of type Node<State, Wireframe> to type Node<_,_> in coercion
import Foundation
public protocol NodeState {
associatedtype EventType
associatedtype WireframeType
mutating func action(_ event: EventType, withNode node: Node<Self, WireframeType>)
extension NodeState {
mutating public func action(_ event: EventType, withNode node: Node<Self, WireframeType>) { }
public class Node<State: NodeState, Wireframe> {
public var state: State
public var wireframe: Wireframe?
public init(state: State, wireframe: Wireframe?) {
self.state = state
guard wireframe != nil else { return }
self.wireframe = wireframe
public func processEvent(_ event: State.EventType) {
DispatchQueue.main.sync { [weak self] in
// Error presents on the following
let node = self! as Node<State, State.WireframeType>
self!.state.action(event, withNode: node)
次の作品 - 私はワイヤーフレームの参照削除:
今import Foundation
public protocol NodeState {
associatedtype EventType
mutating func action(_ event: EventType, withNode node: Node<Self>)
extension NodeState {
mutating public func action(_ event: EventType, withNode node: Node<Self>) { }
public class Node<State: NodeState> {
public var state: State
public init(state: State) {
self.state = state
public func processEvent(_ event: State.EventType) {
DispatchQueue.main.sync { [weak self] in
self!.state.action(event, withNode: self!)
なぜ別の 'Wireframe'ジェネリックパラメータが必要なのですか?あなたのクラスで 'State.WireframeType'型を使うことはできませんか? – Hamish
ハミッシュに感謝します。 –